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For the last time Tom strolled the corridors of Hogwarts. His shoes could be heard echoing throughout the empty halls as the rest of the students were packing for their last day at Hogwarts. NEWTS and OWLS completed days ago, graduation passed for the seventh year students. What they say about adolescences years passing by quick seem to be true. Pulling out his silver tin, Tom placed the cigarette in his mouth using a small flame to ignite the stick. A puff of grey escaped his mouth as he walked, passing the classrooms he learned to become the greatest man.

Passing the paintings who spoke to him when he would patrol during his years as a prefect. Now head boy it seemed almost unreal far the boy had come. He walked to the Great Hall, standing at the door way, memories of his first night here. The sorting hat placing him into his first home, a place he made connections he never imagined to make. A small smile graced his face at the memories, he turned and walked out to the courtyards. He remembered the times he spent here in spring, chasing the birds with Malfoy for fun, having leaf fights with the other young Slytherins.

He truly cherished Hogwarts, he never felt accepted in the Orphanage and coming to a school where he was alike made him feel warm inside. He was able to study and excel his talents he had. He was able to find his family and know where he had came from. He was able to create his first steps to greatness, forming his Knights. Although Tom loved the school he hated how the wizarding world was run. Muggles were filthy he was raised by them and he knew what their true nature was and he wanted them all dead. Finding out he shared muggle blood caused him to do whatever it could to remove it either by hiding his true identity or tearing his soul. Clearly we know what he true choice was. They say no one is born evil they are created yet Tom wouldn't say he was evil. More he was curious and had a set mind on what the world should and should not be and muggles- they should not be apart of the Wizarding world.

With a finally pull from his cigarette he threw it on the courtyard field, stepping on it before swiftly turning towards Headmaster Dippet office. Today was the day Tom would request he be admitted as a teacher, he scored all Os on his OWLS and NEWTS, passed every assignment and test with perfect grades. He was the greatest Hogwarts has ever seen and no one could deny this fact. Reaching the tower he walked up the stairs knocking on the Headmaster door.

Footsteps could be heard approaching the door opening it for Tom. "Mr. Riddle what a surprise I would've thought you were to busy packing up. Please please come in."

Headmaster Dippet ushered Tom in, directing him to sit across him. "I'm all prepared sir, but I am not looking forward to leaving. This has become my home after all."

"You've certainly out done yourself at the years you've sent here Mr. Riddle. A boy from an muggle orphanage, excelling to the top of the school." The Headmaster praised Tom, though he was unaware of the change in Toms face. His jaw slightly clenched, grip tighten around his own hand.

"I was quite taken with wizardry, hence my meaning of being here today. Headmaster I have clearly shown not only you but every person in Hogwarts I am a great student. I already tutor it seems every student, I know everything about any sort of magic and I would like to request I return next year as the teacher for Defence Against the Dark Arts." Tom explained.

Headmaster glanced at Tom, he knew Tom was well suited but he was far to young. "Mr. Riddle you certain have outdone yourself in these last seven years but you are still far to young, work in the ministry for a bit then reapply. You are most certainly what Hogwarts needs but you are only seventeen. You are far too young to be a teacher."

Tom frowned. "Sir, I cherish Hogwarts as if it's my own home and I clearly excel in all my class-"

Dippet raised his hand to cut Tom off. "Mr. Riddle I simply think you are too young. You are still a boy you should spend it right now, focus on a career in a few years. I recommend coming back in a few years, our school would be blessed to have such a high profiled student."

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