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It was Monday morning and Tom was sitting in the common room. He had not seen Conscious which was rather odd. She was always up early, most of the time before him. He's face held little emotion as he watched the other Slytherins come down to head to the Great Hall. Still no sign of Conscious.

He sighed before heading to the Great Hall with Malfoy.

They sat together talking quietly about how Tom will soon open the Chamber Of Secrets again. His plan was almost complete but just needed to get the monster that lived under the school on his side and continue to aid him. The Basilisk. He wanted it to kill the mud bloods of this school. He knew they didn't belong, why should someone not pure be able to have everything? To be taught such talents they do not deserve. The thought had put Tom in an angry mood. His hands tight around his fork eyes darkened.

Malfoy noticed his sudden change in attitude. "Are you alright."

"Stupid filthily muggles." He hissed. He absolutely hated them. He couldn't stand them on bit.

Malfoy watched him. Unsure of what to say. But lucky he didn't need to because all heads where turned to the girl who had rushed into the Great Hall.

She rushed over to the Slytherin table and quickly sat next to Olivia. Tom watched her wondering what had happened.

"I couldn't sleep at all." Conscious mumbled to the girl Olivia next to her. "I'm so tired."

"Why?" Olivia questioned.

Conscious raised her head, her hair a messy, skin even more pale and her eyes blood shot red.

"Ive been having these nightmares." She said. "They seem to real to be dreams, I can't sleep."

"Oh my!" Alexis exclaimed seeing the girls state. "Let us take you to the hospital wing. Someone can give you a sleeping potion or something."

"No. I'm fine." She muttered before standing up along with the two girls with her. "No stay." Olivia and Alexis looked at each before hesitating siting down again.

Conscious left quickly with Tom following her. He was curios as to was what wrong. He saw her sitting against the bathroom wall.

"Conscious are you alright?" Tom asked moving in front of her, crunching down.

She nodded looking up at him. "I'm just very tired right now. I hardly slept." His eyes danced with pleasure. Seeing her weak made a sick part of him happy.

He held is hand out for her to take it as he stood up again. She placed her hand in his and he helped her up but her legs gave out from tiredness and fell into his arms. Her pale complexion flushed with a tinted red at how close they were. He helped her onto her feet, than picked her up by under her knees. She was oddly light.

"When was the last time you ate?" He questioned.

She shrugged placing her into his chest more closing her eyes. Weakness soon taking over her. He paused at her connect, before relaxing accepting she had fallen asleep.

He carried the girl to the common room unsure of where to place her. He hesitated to walk into the girls dorms unsure if anyone was still there. He decided to bring her to his prefect room. He laid her on his bed and moved some books that were scattered on his bed on the desk. He pondered on either leaving her here alone or waiting over her. The two had free morning period before potions with Slughorn so she had some time to sleep.

It felt weird taking care of someone else. He sat at his desk and worked on the next chapter in his potions textbook to prepare for the up coming class. He could hear movement from behind him. Curious he turned and saw her moving around muttering things in her sleep. Soon her mutters turned into a scream and her gasping for air.

He stood up quickly as he saw panic through her eyes which had turned red soon replacing back to her light blue ones.

"Are you alright?" Tom asked siting next to her. She'd only slept for less then an thirty minutes.

Her breathing heavy she nodded slightly. "Are we in your room?" She looked around seeing the unfamiliar space.

He nodded. "You fell asleep and I wasn't sure where to let you rest."

"Thank you." She mumbles running her fingers through her hair. "But if I fall asleep again, please don't allow me to continue."


"I-i keep having nightmares. And i'd rather not sleep then give into the mares." She said softly. She pulled her knees closer to her.

"Did you want to talk about it?" He asked unsure as how to comfort her. She quickly shock her head no.

He presses his lips into a thin line. "Are you well enough for class? If not you may rest here"

"I'll be fine." She moved off his bed taking in his room for a few moments. It was well organized. A simple bed with a dark green cover, a trunk at the front of the bed along with a desk in a corner filled with papers and books and a small fireplace with a chair in front of it.

He stood up as well grabbing his bag and passing her belongings to her. They walked together to potions and he could see Conscious hands shaking. So he did something odd. He grabbed her hand intertwining their fingers feeling the shakes come to a slow stop. She glanced at the hands than up to Tom as he kept his head straight. She exhaled deeply relaxing slightly as the two walked to the classroom.

Neither of them expected this, Tom to show such.. care. He didn't know what came over him but he didn't complain.

Neither did she.

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