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"Tom, there's apart of you that is feeling for me. That means there's a part of you that is human." She said pulling back.

"How can you think that?" He whispered leaning his head on hers. He's never shown this much weakness before and had no idea why she had made him feel such way.

"Because Tom, you may be a monster in your own eyes but not in mine. You are marvellous." She said. She moved back and looked up at him her eyes back to blue. He said nothing. Not wishing to continue talking.

She noticed. "Tom?"

"You've made me weak in less than a month Conscious, I want you. I don't know why but you have something I want and crave." He admitted.

"Let me Tom, let me show you what you want." She smiled holding his two hands. "We should go."

Ending their talk.

He nodded and the two left going into the Great Hall. Hands still touching he brought her to sit with his group of friends. Everyone stopped talking and stared for a moment, before Tom cleared his throat.

After minutes of awkward since Malfoy spoke. "So Conscious how are you liking Hogwarts?"

"You should be asking how are you liking being Tom play doll." Lestrange sneered. Avery kicked her from beneath the table.

"Well you should considering you've been one for how long now?" Conscious smirked before popping grapes into her mouth. Everyone held in a laugh.

Her face bright red and she stood up along with two girls as they walked out.

"I've never seen her so mad."Malfoy said.

She ran her tongue above her teeth. "Oops."

They continued to talk throughout the lunch as they headed to their next class. Dark arts. Of course the group was were late. It was common for Slytherins.

Conscious looked for Tom and saw him and moved next to him.

"Are you alright?" She asked. He didn't answer her looking down.

She glanced at him. "Are you still thinking about earlier?"


She was taken back. "Oh, really?"

He glared back at her. "It's none of your concern Conscious."

"Why not?"


"Because why?"

He groaned slightly. "Conscious your becoming rather ann-"

"Mr. Riddle and Ms. Jones!" The professor yelled. "Since you two seem to love talking your both up first for the duel."

They looked at professor than each other before making their way to the duel bored.

"Now your task is to dis arm ONLY." The professor explained.

They nodded not taking their eyes off each other. Everyone knew they were top of everything in school but they had also assumed they were an item and this wasn't going to end well. Tom held his famous smirk and Conscious ran her tongue along her top teeth.

"Wands up." The professor yelled. They raised their wands.


In seconds spells begun to be casted at each other but both able to reflect with ease. Conscious moves her wand without care and not even uttering the spell. Tom deflected it as he casts another spell. Everyone watch in awe. Two of the greatest wizards of the school head to head.

Conscious was getting annoyed seeing how neither were planning on giving up. Tom blasted a very powerful spell and extremely hard to deflect as he thought until Conscious caught it in her hand and smirked before throwing it like a colour ball at Tom sending his wand flying out of his hand. Toms nose flared as his face grew red with anger as the class and the professor all stood silent.

"Conscious Wins!" The professor yelled. She smiled and bowed and hopped down.

The class went on as Tom was still infuriated that he had lost, especially to a silly little girl. He stood with his group in the corner as Conscious stood to the side watching as the students preformed childish spells. On the occasion she'd throw a glance and Tom and could clearly see he was angry. She smiled and laughed to herself a bit. Twice she's made him angered and it wasn't even lunch yet.

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