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Her face blank when the flame appeared. She held confusion. "Or you'll be able to today." Interesting, it truly showed her how great Tom could become.

He held pride in his eyes even though the little short lasted flame had disappeared, it was a sign to him he was powerful.

He was about to try again when Conscious yelled. "No! You'll drain yourself. Once a week we will improve on your skills alright?"

He almost protested until she speak to quick. "Trust me, this isn't just witch craft it's pure magic, something you don't just master and re try daily. You must now adapt to this feeling."

"It's incredible how wise you are." He complimented her. She smiled at him, kissing his cheek.

"And I am incredibly hungry!" Conscious jumped to her feet, higher than a normal jump should be.

"Can you fly." Tom asked instantly regret it. Merlin he must sound stupid.

"What's makes you say that?" She laughed taking his hand causing him to stand and walk to the Great Hall.

"Well the bathroom firstly and it looked like you hovered more than jumped."

She let go of his hand and stood in front of him, soon she was hovering slightly in the air. "I can hover, it's not flying Tom i'm not a bird."

He watches taking both her hands as she did. "How?"

She shrugged bringing her feet back to the floor. "A gift from my brother. Now i'll spill all my powers later Tom, i'm starving." Her voice now whining. He signed and agreed and continued their way to eat.

They spent the rest of the day studying, reading, practicing a few spells and even duelling for fun.
They had for once gone a day without one fight but a day full of laughs. When night came the two sat in Toms room again, in-front of the green flame. Of course the the boy was reading as Conscious fiddled and sketched in her book.

Tom glanced over to see a photo of a snake in a skull.
"It's beautiful." He commented. She hummed in response.

"It was just random sketching. Nothing special."

He liked it. The snake drawing had given him an idea. He needed a mark of some sort. To call he's followers when a meeting was needed. It would also prove their true loyalty to Tom.


A bitter word in his mouth. The name belonging to his fitly muggle father. He needed a new name. Something that would bring power. Something all will know. A dark smirk soon formed on his lips.

Conscious finished her sketch and moved to place it on his night stand. She stood up and stretched and saw Tom deep in thought with his book. She could tell it was about Horcruxes. She sat cross legged on his bed. Thinking everything through. She could tell he was determined to make one soon. Possibly during this holiday.

Just like her father, Tom was going down the wrong path.

She let out a sigh and poked at Toms leg, bring him back to reality.

"Tom have you made a Horcrux?" She asked.

He nodded. "Yes, one. Before you had arrived, I killed a girl and used my diary as my first horcrux. And i wish to make one this holiday. My father, and my family ring."

She nodded. "Why did you ask for my help Tom? You've seem to do it alright alone."

Curious as he was doing so well already before her. He sat up and copied her position. "You are extremely powerful and hold knowledge i've wish to gain. I wish the same for myself, for us to be powerful."

"Just be careful. Magic always comes with a price."

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