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Tom extended his hand for Conscious who took it pulling her close, his mask no resting on top of his head.

"You've done beautifully darling." Tom complimented, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"I only started something for you to finish." Conscious smirked, turning to look at the Minister. "Killing him won't serve justice though."

"I have no plans on killing him, only to set a reminder. Lord Voldemort will be the greatest sorcerer of all time." Tom beamed, his face lighten up with only darkness.

Tom pulled his wand and pointed it at the Minster, releasing him from his levitation having him lay unconscious on the table. He walked over crouching admiring the work she had done, he had gash on his head his arms bounded behind him.

"Any particular reason you attacked him?" Tom asked, his hands running over the blood.

"To please you my Lord." Conscious smirked in response.

He stiffened for a moment, she's never referred to him as this before. Something was off, first no outburst now her bowing down to him, calling him my Lord. This couldn't all be for love, could it? He never wanted her to be a follower, nor has he ever requested her to address him like that so why now?

He rose and turned to her, even more weary of her. "I see."

"You don't like my work? It's of course a lack lustre of what I truly could've done, though it's best not to show off." Conscious shrugged, arms crossed behind her, her eyes still vividly blue.

"Let's leave, I've summoned the others to try out our new toy." Tom said, he felt off all of a sudden. Being in this room, it wasn't what he had planned to happen and he was beginning to feel the girl infront of his wasn't Conscious.

Conscious extended her hand this time for him to take. "Allow me to, my Lord."

His lips thinned at the name again. Why had she started to call him that? He suddenly felt he missed his muggle fathers name falling from her lips. He took ahold of her hand before appearing in the Department of Mysteries.

Conscious glanced at the cave like area they had appeared, rocks everywhere and a clear mirror sitting on top of the high rock.

"Tom what is that?" Conscious asked.

"The veil, it is instant death for anyone who falls through." Tom explained as he released her hand, summing his inner circle. Quickly Abraxas, Avery, Zevi, Orion, Alphard and Laura all appeared circling the Veil.

"They're here my Lord, the aurors." Zevi said as he landed. "Any moment they'll find us."

"Brilliant." Tom grinned. "My loyal members, today let's test out our new little toy shall we?"

Cheers were heard throughout the cave room, moments later white lights could be seen flashing in. Aurors soaring through the cave, fifteen landing, wands drawn at the Knights. Each Knight had one or two Aurors ready to duel the ex-Hogwarts students. And infront of Conscious and Tom stood the only and only Bartemius Crouch, his wand pointed directly at Conscious throat. His face warped in fresh cuts and bruises still from Tom's attack only days ago.

"Reveal yourself!" Bartemius shouted, voice scratched from his previous screams. Tom simply smirked under his mask, though his eyes dangerously hard on his foes hand.

"I'm surprised you are able to walk Bartemius, I believed the damaged I did would've damned you straight to hell." Tom teased the man.

Bartemius went stiff, his shaking hand clamping up. "Y-you are no men of Grindelwald! Who are you!"

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