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As dinner came Conscious had sat at the end of the Slytherin table, away from everyone else again, eating once again a small amount of food. She had some books open from classes looking at the next chapter.

"I couldn't help but hear what you had said to Olivia last night." Tom said as he sat across from her.

She looked up at him. "What about what I said."

"That all magic isn't used for good."He stated. "Causing me to assume you aren't a goodie goodie as you portal yourself."

She almost laughed at him.

"Goodie goodie, right Tom. Like you're any better than me. Of course some may see magic more than that 'goodie goodie' view. Here, what they teach you is nothing compared to what the world can offer us. I was only raised and taught dark magic."

His eyes lit up."Your knowledge must be advanced then." He stated again.

She nodded, eating another apple slice.

"Teach me." He demanded. "I want to know everything."

She cocked a brow at his demands. "I barely even know you as you barely even know me. Just because we have similar taste doesn't mean would make a good blend."

"It could be beneficial for the both of us. Two great students aiding each other with new knowledge." He stated. Tom has always had a way with getting what he wanted, you could say he was , very persuasive.

"Are you offering a sort of extra learning classes?" She seemed rather offensive. She was smart and did not need the help from a random boy.

"I'm offering an argument." He retorted. "You can show me some new material as I can do the same for you , surely you don't know everything and what's the hurt into learning more?"

"I'm not just going to tell you everything Tom. I don't know you nor trust you enough for such thing. I do appreciate this.. ofer, but I shall not teach you much till I know you." She said.

"Fine." Was all he was said before standing and leaving the Great Hall. She pulled her brows together and watched him leave. She expected none of the less though, he clearly had people bowing at his knees. She went back to her and finishing her small dinner alone again.

It was the night of Slughorn's dinner. Conscious had pulled her long blonde hair up, pulling out a few pieces to frame her face. The first of week of her new school went interesting to say the least. She had made a few friends in some of her classes, Tom kept to himself mostly, staying with his little group. She didn't expect more from him which to his surprised annoyed him. Most girls would beg for such attention.

She huffed looking at her reflection before turning towards her roommates.

"What do I wear?" She asked walking into the common room, where her roommates sat studying.

"A dress, a simple but still pretty one." Alexis said.

Conscious pondered on that. "Won't I be over dressed?"

"You'll be perfectly dressed." A voice said from the boys dorm entrance. The three girls looked up to see Tom standing there. He had on a suit with a green tie.

"Told you." Alexis teased slightly which earned her a sharp glare from Conscious. Alexis has been gossiping about Tom having something towards her which Conscious simply dismissed.

"How much longer will you be , I am not fond of being late." Tom asked, annoyance laced in his words. All the slytherins had to attend together, seeing it was only Tom and her who were invited.

"We still have ten minutes." She replied back to him.

"And you are wasting time still not dressed."He countered.

She rolled her eyes, turning back and went to the dorm as she changed quickly into a dark green dress framing her body well, ending just below her knees . Tom had waited at the entrance of the girls dorm leaning on the wall for her.

"Shall we go?" She said reaching the bottom.

He nodded, taking in her appearance for a moment. Before turning and leaving her to follow. The two roommates waved goodbye to Conscious, giggling about more gossip she presumed.

"What exactly happens in these parties?" She asked as they walked down the halls.

"It's a rather simple dinner."

She nodded. "You are a rather close student of his." Trying to make some sort of conversation.

"And your point?" He retorted.

"I don't see as to why you would need my help, surely he would help you." She muttered. Bringing up they last time the two talked about dark magic.

He gave her a look that made her feel dumb. "Do you really think a teacher would give lessons of dark magic?"

Colour grew in her cheeks. "I didn't mean it like that, i'm sure you could find a way to get him to give you something."

"I'm sure you could simply do it as well." He mocked as he stopped and turned towards a door. She almost replied back but they had already arrived.

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