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As promised Tom was next to her when she woke up again. Tom teased the girl as they walked hand in hand to the Great Hall.

"Careful darling it sounds like you might fancy me more than you think."

Conscious face flushed red. "I was only saying that because I find comfort with you. Is that a crime?"

"It is a crime to steal hearts which appears to be what i've done." Tom teasing her again.

She huffed, but a smile still sat on her face. "Someone woke up extra cocky."

"It's my specialty." He grinned.

Conscious rolled her eyes and she sat in their usual seats in the middle at the Slytherin table. Nott, Avery, Malfoy and LeStrange already sitting.

"Look at the love birds, finally arrive!" Avery whistled. Tom narrows his eyes at his comment as more colour seem to grow on the girls face.

"Meeting tonight remember." Tom spoke, the boys nodded.

"NEWTS and OWLS are tomorrow, will the meeting be long?" Nott asked.

"It will be one of the last before summer. Have you all decided where you will be going?" Tom explained.

"I will be returning to the Manor, again Riddle the doors are open for you. I believe my mother is throwing another ball which you all are invited too." Abraxas spoke.

"A ball?" Conscious asked.

"Yes most pureblood families host balls, or dinners for other pureblood families. It's very elite and I would suffer alone if you didn't show." Abraxas explain eating his breakfast. "I had ask Tom for the two of join the Yule Ball my family hosted."

"I had other plans Malfoy, but we will be attending this one." Tom confirmed. "Of course if you'd like to darling."

Conscious nodded with a smile. "Oh yes!"

"Beautiful." Abraxas smiles right back.

"I'll be returning home as well I believe most of us are going home." Avery said, the others nodded.

"Where are you going Conscious?" Abraxas asked.

"Back home too I suppose."

"I will be joining her." Tom said. "I think after the ball at Malfoys we all plan to move into Conscious home she has grateful offered. Gives you all to spend a week or two with family then we can set off on our plans."

"Where is your home Conscious?" Nott asked.

"Just outside Russia." She said.

"Your family would be alright with a bunch of boys living with you?" LeStrange scuffed.

Conscious glared at her. "Hm, let me see i'll go ask my mother's grave and i'll get back to you."

The table got silent very quick and the tension in the air was very unstable. Tom could see her knuckles turn white as it was wrapped around her fork.

LeStrange cleared her throat, she hadn't expected this answer from her. "Oh, I didn't know."

"Because you have been to stuck up to get to know me." Conscious spat standing up.

"Darling it's alright." Tom said holding her forearm trying to calm her anger.

"It's not alright!" Conscious spoke her voice raising. "I've with held so much power on you LeStrange and you are pushing every ounce of me not to hex you."

Tom noticed her bright blue eyes swirl with black.


If he allowed more, the teachers would surely notice, he could see Dumbledore already looking at their table and a few other students as well glancing to see what was happening.

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