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The boys sprinted off first finding a drink, leaving Conscious and Tom to trail after them.

"For fresh out of school, they are still so childish." Conscious commented.

"I wonder if i've chosen the right group sometimes." Tom admitted.

"They are each brilliant in their own ways, all add some form of strength you need." She countered.

"Yes, but they lose focus in seconds. I need them to keep their path straight not with curves."

"They will grow to that soon Tom, let them
enjoy the last bit of youth they have before the real world overcomes them." She returned.

"I have changed a lot you know." Tom started. "Since meeting you. I've allowed them to be much more free than a year ago. In a way, it's brought me a lot of joy having friendships but regret knowing i'm wasting time."

"No time is being wasted if you feel good."

"You make me feel good, I felt empty before. My only goals being power, horcruxes. Now it's." He paused, seeing the boys returning with the drinks. "This is a conversation for later."

"Here you go my lady." Zevi smiled passing her the glass of wine. "And my Lord." To which Tom took as well.

"One glass. We must mingle and gather before anything else." Tom instructed. The boys nodded, as Tom smiled pleased with them.

"To greatness." Conscious said, raising her glass.

"To greatness." The boys yelled raising their glasses as well downing it, aside from Tom, Conscious and Abraxas who took a small sip.

"Children you are." Abraxas muttered.

"This was meant to loosen you Malfoy take that stick out of your arse." Alphard said, nudging his friend.

"Oh leave the boy poor alone." Conscious laughed, taking another sip.

"My apologies poor boy." Zevi pouted, teasing his friends further pinching his pale cheeks. Abraxas slapped both of them away from him, now with a red face,the others laughing.

"Enough." Tom spoke up. "I came to mingle not watch a circus. Now please, hurry along and find out about any plans of Grindelwald, as well as any important artifacts. Anything you find make a list and we all will report our findings at Conscious tomorrow."

"Yes my Lord." They spoke before leaving them couple.

Tom turned to Conscious, extending an arm for her to take. "Shall we find Mr. Malfoy and his friends?"

She smiled wrapping an arm around his. "Let's."

The couple walked throughout the ballroom, meeting office workers, interns, the purest blood lines London has, just about anyone who was anyone was here. And Tom knew members of Grindelwald were in this room, all he had to do was find one to break. He eyed the room as Conscious made conversation with the Minsters intern not listening close enough to the conversation.

"Wouldn't you agree Tom?" The intern spoke snapping Tom's gaze.

"Pardon i've been a bit lost, the music is just captivating." He made up in the spot.

"I was just informing Ms. Jones about the heirlooms the Minister has been searching for. I notice your ring? That's the Gaunt Peverell ring. It's an honour to be in the presence of the Heir of Slytherin." The man spoke. He looked no older than twenty five, clearly he had some information intriguing Tom.

"Yes it is." He returned glancing at his ring. "You say the Minister wishes collect all heirlooms of the knobbly houses?"

"Oh yes, but of course Hepzibah Smith seems to own everything of the four homes. You know Borgin and Burke's? He informed use how she loves to claim anything related to Hogwarts puts up quite a fight every time I come around asking." The man continued.

Tom didn't think it would've been so easy to gain all this information. Clearly this man had the mind of a pig, squealing out just about everything.

"Funny enough I was thinking of joining his team, antics have been something I enjoy, perhaps I can talk Miss. Smith into some information." Tom said working his charm. "I would love to help the Minister as later on I would hope to work with such a great man."

"Tom cherish both school and politics. You must know his reputation is outstanding." Conscious added.

"I will most certainly put in a word Mr. Riddle, most of the people in the Ministry are placing bets who gets to claim you as there's." The man laughed. "Henry Travers, Ive completely forgotten my manors. I'll be sure to owl you a time."

"That would be lovely." Conscious smiled.

"It was a pleasure meeting you Sir." Tom said before walking away with Conscious right on his heels.

"Has the night been successfully so far?" She asked.

"If the members are as easy as Mr. Travers I couldn't enjoy it going any other way." Tom smirked. 

The crowds begun to move into the centre, ready for the traditional dances of Pureblood status to begin, Abraxas and Orion joining the couple.

"Anyone care for a dance?" Abraxas joked.

"I'd love to." Conscious smiled, glancing up at Tom. "Care to escort us to the floor?"

He smiled, pulling her to the floor placing one hand on her side the other taking her hand. She following suit with an arm around his neck, hands connected moving slowly to the music.

"Who would've thought Tom Riddle could dance." Conscious teased.

His lips twitched slightly "Hidden talents darling."

"What other mysterious things are you hiding?" She asked.

"The same you hide from me." He replied. "Though you've been open more and I appreciate it. I want to trust you Conscious."

"And you can." She said. "I care for you Tom, and I want you to grow into the man you paint of."

"And I want you painted right next to me. You are mine." Tom said, his gripped on her side tighten slightly. His possessive nature flashing bright. "You've has many men eat you with their eyes as well."

She snorted. "I have no eyes for those men, I have eyes for you."

"As do I dear." He said, moving his hand from her waist to her cheek. "You and I."

She blushed slightly. "You and I."

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