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"Did I stress you out?" Conscious jokes as Tom sat at the window ledge, the cancer stick dangling from his lip.


"No, though I believe you were right i've developed a terrible need to smoke daily." Tom lied as he looked over at her.

She was laying on the carpeted floor, a black wrapped around her nude body. Their clothes scattered around the room, a made shift bed of pillows and blankets laid just next to her.

Tom returned his gaze back to the window, the sun beamed high hitting his face and skin. He could hear her feet moving towards him before she sat across from him. He looked at her again, her hair a slight mess falling down her bare shoulders. She raised her legs to lay flat out, sitting just on top of his knees. He ran his spare hand over her legs and knee, her skin was soft and thoughts of them tangled with his flash in his mind. Merlin he wish he could love her back. He never expected to ever confession such things before, love was nothing in his life, he never  searched for this feeling and he was never given it until now.


He hummed in response, drawing another cloud of smoke from his cigarette, releasing it through his nose.

"You plan to leave tomorrow?"

"Yes. And darling please trust me on this, I won't make a horcrux out of them right away but in due time I will. We can't even be sure the items are even there." He answered. "I want you by my side."

Of course she would. The saying love makes you do crazy things was all but to real.

"Always." Conscious smiled, she moved herself so she could sit in his lap, snaking her arms around his neck as he place a hand on her side.

She ran a hand through his messy hair, her gaze tight on his dark brown hair. She felt him rubbing small circles with his thumb over her hip as he rested his head on her shoulder.

"I love you." Conscious whispered, the words trailing off her lips easier than before.

"I know." Tom replied, kissing her shoulder. He pulled the last bit of smoke before tossing the small bud out the window. He held her with both arms now, taking in their intimacy.

"We should get dressed for lunch." Conscious muttered into his neck where her head laid.

"Not yet." Tom replied, he didn't want to let go of her yet. It's the only way he could show his feelings he didn't truly have.

"But shouldn't you alert the boys of the plan sooner than later?"

He exhaled, leaning back releasing her from his grasp. "I suppose so."

"You don't have to go through with this Tom, you can wait." Conscious tried again, hoping every time he might change his mind.

For a second he looked like he was about to change his mind, hesitation flicked between himself. "I want to go through with this sooner than later, tomorrow is still on darling."

She lowered her gaze away from his face to her hands now in her lap. Merlin she wished he would just see her side on this.

"Hey." He started, placing a finger to raise her face up again. "You do not need to come tomorrow, I can see how you aren't the most excited."

"Who is going to protect you once your silly plan fails?" Conscious teased.

He smiled slightly. "Abraxas or Zevi could always."

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