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Conscious laid in bed for the entire morning. She looked up at the ceiling the entire time, her dorm mates left long ago. She refused to go down to be near Tom. She really wasn't in the mood to have to deal with his bipolar fits. Ashe wondered why she ever puts up with him and his ways, she could simply just disappear from him, from Hogwarts. After all, she was rather good at leaving. She tossed in the bed, laziness not allowing her to be peaceful. She sat up and signed putting her head in her hands before running them into her hair. Eyes closed but soon open to see Tom. Standing in the girls dorm right in front of her bed.

Her eyes widen, why couldn't he just leave her alone for a few hours?

"Avoiding me are we?" He toyed.

"It's Sunday, you know the day of rest." She retorted crossing her arms over herself. She was still in her night clothing.

"Oh really?" He hummed.

She narrowed her eyes. "You shouldn't be in here."

"You shouldn't be ignoring me." He replied back.

"Assuming me are we now?" She mocked him. That was her star trait it seemed.

He studied her, eyes flicking to her arms. "You haven't healed yourself?"

She had only put a glamour over it, seeing it would heal soon. Clearly Tom could see right through it. He raised the charm moving towards her taking one of her wrists. She cringed at herself for flinching slightly moving her arm away from him.

"I was about to heal it." He said softly.

"I know."

"Why won't you let me?"

"It's a reminder to you Tom, cuts may heal but they still hurt." She snapped.

"I'm sorry. Alright I'm sorry, I never intended to hurt you." He confessed. He ran his fingers over the small bruising healing them for her.

She didn't flinch this time.

"I just , can't control my temper."

Yeah- like that wasn't obviously.

"I know. This is why I said to stop making horcruxes. One was enough, you'll soon lose yourself to them." She said looking at him for the first time. Eyes finally meeting.

"I enjoy it." He admitted.

"Enjoy what?" She asked.

"Killing, having people fear me, having power all that. I have no regrets for anything I've done."

"Your becoming psychotic. Your losing you human ability." She stated. Already aware of his changes.

"I was always a psychopath." He laughed bitterly. "I've done things as a child, things children shouldn't do. But no, my desires are something I will fulfil."

"I know." She repeated. "I know. I support you Tom, but it does not mean I am going to see eye for eye with everything you do."

"I know, and I don't expect you to." He replied.


Silence over came them. She bit her lip not knowing what else to say.

"Perhaps you should leave now, I'll be down for dinner. I would really though like some time to rest and finish work." She said. He nodded. Rising and leaving without saying anything else. She almost cringed at how he could change so quickly. She grabbed some books and paper and begun working away, making the books she promised the boys.


A loud thud rang out from a pile of books hitting a table.

"Salazar, you almost stopped my heart." Abraxas said jumping from his seat.

Conscious grinned at him as she handed out her self made textbooks during dinner. The boys looked through it along with Tom, it was step by step of defensive spells, with picture help as well.

"You made these yourself?" Zevi asked.

She gave him a look. "Yes."

"And you want us to do what?" Alphard asked looking down at the book, each one held about 60 pages.

"Read it." She stated. "Each page has three different spells and charms, every week I expect you to know them all."

Tom had seen these before, while he was reading books from the library. Some of the spells seemed to be self made by Conscious as well. He hadn't expected her to go this all out for them.

"Great, another Dumbledore." Avery mumbled. Conscious hit him over the head with the book, causing him to yelp out in pain.

"I was kidding!" He exclaimed.

"I wasn't." She hissed. "Tom gave me the order of aiding you idiots if you take this as some sort of joke, things will not end well for any of you. Do I make myself clear?"

Avery swallowed, before nodding. As did the four boys. Tom studied her, he truly had no anticipated in such loyalty and help from her.

She smiled them. "Good."

She moved and sat next to Tom. She handed him another book. It looked like a diary.

"What is this?" He asked.

"My spells and charms i've made over the years. If you wish to learn them." She replied. He took it and saw it was similar to the books she had made his followers.

"I must admit i wasn't expecting such ... dedication." Tom stated.

She shrugged. "I told you , i will see eye to eye with some, and i think it will be beneficial if you had people who could actually use spells."

He eyed her. "As do I."

"Amazing." She could tell the others where glancing at Tom and her.

"Did you just call use thick?" Abraxas asked, he seemed rather offended.

"Did you ease drop yet again?" Tom scolded.

"Well, when you talk about me, I cannot help it." He shouted in defence. "And I am not thick."

She laughed at him. "I never said you were, you assumed such thing."

"Only because you took a shot at his ego." Avery snickered.

Abraxas threw breed at him. Avery simply caught it was took a bite out of it.

The group laughed at the two bicker.

I am on a ROLL with this updates. Also i know it seems these chapters are roaming on, but things are about to happen !!!

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