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Light slowly came into Conscious vision. She turned her body to face the window where the morning sun poured in. She let the warmth hit her face. She let her thoughts wonder free. It was Friday morning. She exhaled before rising and beginning her day, preparing for school. She dreaded going down to the common room, not wanting to see Tom right now. He was changing rapidly, and it wasn't for the best. Sure she wasn't the nicest nor the lightest sort of magical person. But she wasn't fully on board with Toms idea of becoming the most powerful wizard by using dark magic. He was becoming an arrogant asshole , and she wasn't having much of it.

To no surprised Tom was in the common room , facing towards the green flames that lit up his face , highlighting his features. Along with Abraxas sitting across.

"Good morning." Tom drawled out , not even looking at her.

She shifted to her other side, glancing over at Abraxas, who gave her a look of 'i don't know'. "Good morning."

Tension was in the room , no doubt about that.

"Come sit." He said to sweetly.

She hesitated , narrowing her eyes. What was he up to? He went from last night a psycho, to lover boy to now well this! She moved and sat next to him.

"I meant what I said last night." The heir said facing her. "Abraxas and I took an oath agreeing I may no longer create more horcruxes while attending Hogwarts."

She looked at Tom , then glanced again at Abraxas then back at Tom. "Good. It's for the best."

"But, it does not mean I will stop my plans."

Ah , there it was. A catch.

"What other plans?" She asked. Obviously it wasn't about immortality, possibly about becoming the greatest of all , but we he couldn't without horcruxes. So what did he mean?

"My followers still need training and I need to expand, gaining more loyalty. I want to be unstoppable. And you'll help me , won't you?" He smiled.

"I already agreed to train them." She replied.

"I know , I wished to see if you still remanded in this." He reminded coolly. He took her hand. "We will be royalty in this world."

Abraxas sat there saying nothing. He didn't even know why Tom made him wake up this bloody early.

Conscious smiled back at Tom. At least he would stop with horcruxes, stop with the murdering for now. And she could be on the same page as him again. Teaching the boys to be powerful. Something she always enjoyed teaching, perhaps once she finishes Hogwarts she will take on teaching.

"Abraxas is rather good at spells, and will aid you as well at times once my followers get bigger." Tom said.

"I'm looking forward to that." She said. Abraxas nodded.

"I'd like to start tomorrow night. We have only so long left here at Hogwarts before N.E.W.T's , training them now and a bit next year will make them amazing fighters." Abraxas chipped in finally.

Tom nodded. "I agree. The sooner the better."

"Well tomorrow it is." Conscious agreed.

Things seemed good- to good. Classes flew by in a breeze commencing the start of the weekend. Avery suggested they go to Hogsmeade as they were 17 now. Well for the most part. Conscious figuratively speaking was stuck as 16, being trapped within immortality.

Avery, Abraxas, Zevi, Alphard, Conscious and Tom all made their way. Zevi and Alphard chasing each other like children with the snow lightly covering the ground. Abraxas and Avery just behind the childish duo as Conscious and Tom walked lastly. Her arm wrapped in his, laughing seeing Zevi fall face first into the snow. In this moment it felt like they were regular students. Enjoying a Friday night.

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