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He appeared before she had arrived- obviously. A few moments later though she came running through the door, her once smile dropped.

"Tom Riddle, you are the most cruelest person I know." She huffed out of breath.

He smiled. "Why thank you."

"You were suppose to run, not use magic."

"You never said that." He said innocently. She glared in response, catching her breath still. Conscious laid on Toms bed, now tired from both training and the run now not being worth it.

"I must congratulate you, you are rather fast."

She glanced at him, a scowl on her face. "Thanks."

He laughed slightly. Moving to his desk to place his tie he had taken off. Undoing his suit jacket leaving him in his white button up and dress pants. Conscious soon sat at the end of his bed swinging her feet slightly. Comfortable silence ran between them both looking at each other, small smiles lingering upon their faces.

Conscious did admire Tom, it was foolish to try and hide it. He was incredible. Not only intelligent but wise, a master player at his games. He could fool anyone with his charm no would think he was planning to end the muggle race and become the Dark Lord. Sure he had his Slytherin ways- all of them did but to everyone else. It was nothing more then wit, maybe fear too. He was rather intimidating.

"Are you prepared for the O.W.L.S.?" Tom asked, siting next to her on the bed.

Random, she thought.

"I believe so, most of the classes are familiar to my teachings. Are you?"

"Of course." He answered.

Silence again. She played with her hands not sure what else to talk about.

"I apologize for early again." Tom spoke.

Conscious glanced at him. "Fear doesn't mean power Tom."

It was true, just because people feared one doesn't mean they had power. Power comes from strength, it comes from leadership, trust. Fear is easy to pose over people but having trust and hardship took power.

"Fear is what I fuel on. I need people to see me as a ruthless man. I cannot be nice it doesn't work, I won't be casted off as someone who lets things slip. They should be trained, they should be afraid to make mistakes I need warriors not cowards." Tok explained looking her blue eyes.

She bit the inside of her cheeks. "You have a horrible out look on life Tom."

Tom smirked. "But I get what I want with that."

Conscious rolled her eyes. His ego was massive for a pretty boy.

"If you insist Tom." She hummed standing up. "I'm going to sleep."

"Aren't you going to stay here?" He questioned. She practically spent every night here.

"I wanted to do some reading in my bed and make some notes for tomorrow ."

He nodded, standing as well. "If you must leave, I suppose you can."

Conscious laughed. "I wasn't asking you Tom."

She kissed his cheek before making her way to her dorm. She plopped herself in bed grabbing a book. Romeo and Juliet an english classic. She always liked muggle books, they gave a new outlook on life. A way to escape the magic world to just a normal way of life. Of course she loved her powers but she wondered what it would be like to just be human. Living a regular life, regular job, no worries on magic wars or people who abused powers for dark. She sounded crazy to brother when she told him about this one day. They were blessed with power, others only could dream to want it. But for her, it wasn't something she always wanted. Especially becoming immortal. She regretted that daily, watching people age and pass and her just being the same over and over again. An endless nightmare really. She often blamed that emptiness on that, if she just stuck to being herself and not this, maybe she'd be happier? Not that she hated living but it was exhausting seeing the same thing over and over. No changes in her only around her.
Conscious put the book away, tucking herself in to bed, letting darkness take over and her endless mind finally turn off.

Back in the Head Boys room, Tom laid in bed reading once again. Looking at power with such greed. Unlike Conscious, Tom lived in a muggle world and it wasn't as picture perfect as she thought it was. Kids were beyond cruel to Tom. Making him who is, he'd rather people fear than see him as that weak boy again. He'd rather live off power than nothing.

Two wizards who seemed so alike were actually quite different. Both still hiding inner thoughts, both looking at the subjects so differently. Both who seemed to have such a strong connection, actually might not be the same as everyone thinks. Only time will ever show who they are but for now, Tom Riddle and Conscious Jones drifted off to sleep. Dreaming of what the future holds and making sure the past stays in the past.

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