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For once in a long time. He was stunned. Someone had played him like he played others. His eyes darken as his grip grows stronger.

"You will not speak to me like that." He hissed. "I'm not sure how you came to know this but you will never speak of it again. Am I clear?"

She pushed him even more. "Why? What are you going to do Tom, kill me?"

He's gripped tightened even more but she show no pain. "Don't test me."

"Do it then." She pushed back.

He stayed silent. Breathing deeply before letting her go.

"You are not worth my time to waste spells on you." He replied giving her space between them.

"I didn't mean it like that girl. I just do not wish to be known as being with you. I don't need love or companionship. I have no feelings for you or your love."

She looked at him. Hard. "Everyone loves Tom."

"I do not." Looking at her one last time.

With that he left her

She sighed loudly watching him leave.

Her mother was right. Her kiss could kill. It killed the small bond the two had grown.

She ran after him just like he had , not wishing it to be true. She caught up to him.

"Why don't you think you can love." She yelled after him.

"I cannot feel it and do not desire it." He turned around to her. "Conscious, please. I do not love and you cannot love me. I've done horrible things that sound make me a monster. You cannot love that. Nor do I want you."

She kissed him again.

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