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Silence over took the dining hall again after Alphards comment. The frustration and anger in the room screamed louder than a mad man, everyone afraid to say the wrong thing and end up hexed by Tom.

Conscious cleared her throat. "I think you all should begin your task." No one objected before running out of the room. Trinket didn't even come in to clean, she could sense dark magic erring and knew Conscious would send her away.

"I'm so sorry Tom, I really hadn't planned for Constantine to come down and do this." Conscious apologized, standing in front of him.

His jaw locked. "He knows all wishes and dreams?"

She nodded. "Yes, though he had no right to use it against you. You aren't a dark person Tom."

"I use to wish for a family, i've heard the muggle stories. The man in the moon, make and wish and he'd create a star for you so it'd come true." Tom laugher darkly. "Stupid tale, if he knew that not only I but the children I grew up with desires for a home, why didn't he make it happen! We all use to wish, to him, to Santa everything!"

Conscious frowned more, her hands coming to Tom shoulder hugging him. She never knew how deeply the unlove boy had felt, she'd never see him so.. human.

"You created your own beautiful family Tom, all the boys are here to support and push you and I'm sorry. My brother works in strange ways, he only watches over to keep the belief but he can be biased. He chooses to ignore ones he deems are a lost cause-"

"So I am a lost cause?" Tom asked softly. His face had let down any mask he had before, for the first time Tom felt odd. Very odd. To many emotions were going through him yet he couldn't explain how they felt and it hurt almost.

She paused. "No you aren't, how you were born to him makes it a lost cause. Amortentia children have proven to be hard to understand and care for, he sensed this from you and moved on to the next. He works in strange ways I hardly agree on, he speaks as if you are cruel but he picks and chooses who is happy in this world to me- that's the worst sort of human possible." Tom didn't answer, his face unreadable. Confused maybe?

What the hell just even happened? God he was feeling to much, he just wanted them to leave. The whole caring act and feeling this way wasn't something he liked one bit. He cared for Conscious deeply yes but he never understood the feeling. As a child he felt sad but never understood it, he couldn't cope with it. A feeling so strange. He walked around feeling absolutely nothing- to some it would be a living to hell but he found comfort in that. He never had guilt or petty. He had moments of joy but never pureness. He felt angry a lot of the times but he never viewed it as bad. Perhaps the textbook meaning of Amortenia was true, he thought what Conscious said how it's mind over matter was true but clearly not. He knew he was different and he always would be.

These exceptions he created only led to disappointment as always, wasting time trying to figure out was proven to be idiotic. Clearly he was 'born to be dark' and if this was his fate he sure as hell was about to embrace it. Never again would he feel belittled. He vowed to never have another tear him down, the orphanage was the last place he ever felt like this. He was angry now, this interaction only fuelled Tom now. Fuelling the need to never care about others to know that one day they'll bow down to him and he didn't care how he got it.

He stepped away from the girl, running his hands over his face before letting it fall to his side in a loose fist. Any sort of pity he had once felt for himself vanished.

"Tom?" Conscious spoke again.

"We have work to attend with darling. Plans for the Ministry must begin now." Tom smiled, brushing away her worry. "Shall we go to the study?" Unsure by his sudden flip in emotions she nodded, not wishing to set him off even more. 

He beamed, extending his hand for her to take which she did as they left the dining hall and towards the study. Ascending up the grand stairs passing the boys closed doors presumably working on their assignments.  Tom opened the door allowing Conscious first before closing the door placing a silencing charm over it- locking it as well to prevent any interruptions.

Conscious sat at the arm chair next to the unlit fireplace, smoothing down her white dress clasping her hands onto her lap. Tom sat across from her, mimicking her position.

"Abraxas has given me a map of the Ministry from his father, he said he could get one or two of us in without question." Tom stated, flicking his wrist allowing a map to be put onto the coffee table between them.

"Are you planning just you and Abraxas." She asked glancing at the marked up map.

"I want him, Prince, Avery and you to follow me instead the Department, I want the rest of the boys to do their own digging inside the Ministry. I need to know as much as I can on who is loyal to the Minister or who is ready for a new leader." Tom explained.

"You want me to come?" She asked.

He glanced up nodding. "Why wouldn't I?" She shrugged.

"Darling I need you, why do you doubt this?"

"I'm not, I just didn't think that-"

"That I'd want you?" He cut in.

She frowned. "No, I don't know the Ministry lay out or what to even look for."

"This is why I have the map in front of us Conscious." He smiled, leaning forward as he pointed to a place on the map, reading 'Department of Artifacts'. "I believe this is where the remanding Hogwarts Houses artifacts. Though the Sword of Gryffindor is rumoured to only appear when needed, so I doubt it would be there. But the Hufflepuff Cup and Ravenclaw Diadem should be there."

"Didn't the worker from yesterday say someone named Borgin and Burke's was it? Some lady has them doesn't she?" Conscious asked.

"Yes yes, but I cant be sure. They might not be the same one I want as people believe they aren't real. She could have house related items not the Heirlooms." Tom dismissed. "Though after our search and it isn't there, i've already sent my application with Mr. Burke."

"Always two steps ahead." Conscious smiled. "Is this the only thing we're looking for?"

"No I want information on The Deathly Hollows. Grindelwald is the owner of the Elder Wand, but the other two must be locked in the Ministry." Tom explained standing up as he began to pace.

"The childhood tale?" Conscious asked.

"It's real, it has to be. Grindelwald has the wand which means the cloak and stone must be real." He replied.

"Okay and what happens once you have them?"

"I will create the rest of my horcruxes with the Heirloom. And once I have the Hollows I will be the Master of Death if they stand real." Tom explained. Conscious sat and let it all sink in, Tom really had everything planned and she was nothing but unsurprised.

"When do we do this?"

Tom smirked, walking over to her taking her hands to raise her to her feet.

"Tomorrow morning."

my sincere apologies for my lack of updates. school, covid - 19, protests for black rights and everything going on in this world i took a small break. but i returned with an OUTSTANDING amount of love you've all shown. almost 100k?!?!! it's a fantasy.

thank you all. stay safe and happy.

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