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It was the first week back to the new year of school. Toms birthday had just past and of course he refused to celebrate it. Which Conscious had the awful habit of not listening.

"Why not Tom!"

"I don't celebrate it." He replied with a shrug.

"It's your seventeenth birthday Tom! It's a big thing!"

He ran his hands down from his hair across his face. "I really don't want to celebrate this, I have a lot to complete before school starts again."

She huffed. "Can I at least make a cake and have you eat some of it?"

"I don't like cake." He said.

She frowned. "You're awful Tom Riddle."

He arched a brow. "Why's that? I really don't fancy sweets."

She walked over to him wrapping her arms around his neck and he placed his hands on her elbows. "If you fancy me you'll eat the cake."

He signed. "Alright alright. But later tonight than i'm all yours. I need to work this all out first. Deal?"

She smiled and agreed as she let him be as he worked out his plan to leave to his muggle fathers home. He needed to leave tonight. Before school starts again and without being traced by Dumbledore.
Tom had left the day before school started again and had returned during the late hours of the night. Conscious was in the common room waiting for him to come back. She knew he had gone to his Muggle fathers home after this birthday. She had giving a spell that allowed him to teleport to and from the school without being detected.

His eyes were red when he returned. He also had a ring upon his finger. He fell onto the couch next to Conscious.

"I hate muggles." He hissed. He was warm.

"Tom you need to rest, your starting to run a fever." She muttered helping him up. She took him to his prefect room and he went to sit at his desk as he took out papers writing something down. He put the ring on the paper and signed.

"I'm assuming you did it."

He nodded, not facing her.

"Are you alright?" She asked moving towards him.

He nodded. He was pleased he took revenge on how his pathetic father treated his mother. And how he aided him into gaining more power. But he truly was an orphan now and surely he didn't care but the thought lingered.

"Lie." She stated.

He glared at her. "I'm fine Conscious, i'm just exhausted."

She wanted to press more but gave up seeing he was truly tired. "Fine, but if you want to talk I'm here, I couldn't imagine how you feel."

She knew he was an orphan now. All though he basically lived as one his entire life.

"I killed my uncle too." He started.

She frowned. "Did you make a-"

"Only from the father." He cut her off. "I used my uncle as a murder- suicide."

He had the all planned out. Obviously he did, he's been planning way before the break. She wondered about his other plans he had already made. He fell to ground, knocking her out of her thoughts.

She raced to him, he passed out. He drained himself from his power. And him over working himself didn't sit well. She tried to pull him up on his bed but he petite frame wasn't going to cut it. She left him to get Abraxas who was asleep.

She nudged him aggressively. He groaned and rolled over waking up seeing her. His eyes opened open as he pulled the covers. "Bloody hell!"

She rolled her eyes. "I need you to help me put Tom into bed."

He exhaled deeply nodding. He pulled a shirt over his head following her to his dorm. Since he was a prefect he received his own room. He saw his best mate on the floor passed out.

"Is he alright?" He asked bending down to exam his body. "I haven't seen him this weak since last year when he," He stopped mid sentence putting the pieces together. "He didn't." He whispered.

She nodded. "He's made two now, it's taking to much out of him. He barely slept over the break."

He signed. "You'd think one would be enough. Come help me."

She went to the other side helping him pick up Tom placing him in his bed to sleep.

Conscious helped to take off his shoes and put his wand on the night stand. She sat next to him moving his hair. Abraxas watched her carefully. He'd known about the two of them. He knew most of Toms plans being his most loyalists follower. He agreed with Toms views to an extent. He didn't agree with Tom ripping himself apart for so much power. He could easily become the greatest wizard without such pain. He wasn't fond of his friend like this. She noticed Tom was more pale to. Losing his life like colour.

"Are you staying here with him?" Abraxas yawned.

She nodded looking over at him. "Thank you."

He looked at her blankly nodding his head once. "You need to take care of him. He won't do it himself. Your good for him."

"I'm not a good person. If I was I would be stopping him not helping."She muttered.

"He's a stubborn ass and we both know he's not going to stop until he's the most powerful. But he can't keep torturing himself with horcruxes." Abraxas said. She agreed.

"I'll see you in the morning. I've got Dumbledore first period and I definitely need sleep." He joked. She nodded and he left leaving her to watch over Tom for a little longer. She soon returned to her dorm at 3am gaining a few hours of sleep.

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