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"You do not fancy me Conscious your being ridiculous that kiss we shared meant nothing." He said, lying straight through his teeth. He felt something. Something he couldn't quite place his finger on but it was a feeling her didn't want to leave.

"Tom I can tell when people lie." She smiled facing him wrapping her arms around his neck.

He soon found his arms on her lower back as he cursed slightly under his breath, before sharing yet another kiss. Conscious raised on her toes as he bent down, his grip on the small girl tightening. Like the first one they shared, it was not long but still, in this moment it felt infinite. He pulled back first and opened his green eyes to her piercing bright blue ones. A smile upon her lips, and he couldn't help but find himself doing the same.

"I fancy you Tom, and I know you hold something for me too." She mumbled as they embraced in a hug, his chin on top of her head.

"I don't feel Conscious, even if I tried." He replied. It was true to him, no one could feel pure love if they were created under a love potion. A curse he payed for his mother's mistake.

"You do feel Tom, you just don't open yourself to it." She pulled back and looked at him.

"I will never feel pure love." He whispered as his lips hovered over hers.

"Let yourself feel me Tom. Let yourself fall for me." She almost begged.

"How could you possible have feelings towards me?"

"How couldn't I?" She smiled.

"Conscious you are going to drive me mad." He muttered, cupping her cheeks.

"Who wants to be sane?" She laughed before pulling back again. "But we should really get back to our duets before someone sees, I know you don't want that."

He felt a small pain in his chest, he remembered how angry he got when she showed any affection around him with others or when he told her specifically that he didn't want anyone to think of them of such things.

He regretted it. He was changing and they both knew it.

He caught up to her, slipping his hands into hers causing her to smile which spread to him smiling back.

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