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An old man swung open the door, carrying the nights trash before throwing it into the bin, before going back inside to grab the last bit. But before he had made it back he stumbled on something. A yelp escaped him as he brought himself up to see what he just tripped on. Great another drink, passed out face into the dirt.

"Oi! Get up get up!" The worker yelled kicking the legs of the assumed drunk.

A faint groan was heard, before the 'drunk' rolled over revelling his identity. The worker eyes widen a scream could be heard echoing down the alley in the faint morning.

Bartemius Crouch laid with his face now shown, hardly a face at most now. Covered with dirt blood and stained tears. His mouth ajar, full of dried blood, his robes covered in filth and tore to pieces.

The worker stumbled back inside grabbing his wand to alert the Aurors that their Head of Department was passed out, clearly beaten out an old shack.


The daily prophet in Abraxas hands at the table, Bartemius face splashed across the front page. Details of his gruesome body being found in the early morning of today, and the hunt for the culprit. It mentioned the attack at his home as well, unknown wizards attacking only Aurors, taking Bartemius and presuming his injures were sustained by the new group yet to be named. Some theorizing it was Grindelwald, but many say it is a new found dark art and nothing related to him. They wouldn't find anything Abraxas knew this, Zevi had informed them what Tom had done. Yet for some reason a piece of each of the boys couldn't stomach the fact their friend would be capable of such- brutality. Everyone but the couple were downstairs eating, silence irked the room. They didn't feel quite right eating now knowing the cruel events that took place less than twelve hours ago.

Trinket brought out tea, happy she had more guest to serve. "Tea tea? Or coffee? Trinket makes both for guest!" Abraxas found it odd how happy this elf was.

His house elves wouldn't speak a word unless told to. "Tea please."

Trinket jumped with a smile, Abraxas couldn't help but smile back.

"Coffee elf." Alphard muttered, Trinket didn't seem effected by his tone. The Black family were known to be brutal to house elves even worse than Malfoys.

"Got any juice?" Zevi asked.

"Trinket make any juice for guest!" The elf said, waving her hands as tea and coffee were poured to those asked.

"Orange would be great." Zevi said, hands on his eyes. "Can we curtains be closed?"

"Why? To hung over Prince?" A voice startled everyone. Of course it belonged to Tom, with Conscious next to him.

"I've never been a fan of mornings Riddle, it's just so disgusting bright." Zevi whined putting his hand down.

The dining hall sat eighteen, it was long and narrow with windows from floor to ceiling, allowing as much sunlight as ever.

"Trinket close after juice!" Trinket said, as she moved quick to the kitchen.

"Your elf has quite a personality." Abraxas commented.

"I told you, she worships them." Tom joked as the two sat down joining the boys.

"They are living creatures no need to be cruel when they work so hard." Conscious explained, reaching for tea offering some to Tom who nodded.

"You'd hate our family." Orion laughed, "my father treats broomsticks better than an elf."

She frowned. "Well I hope you treat Trinket with the respect she deserves."

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