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Walking down the halls alone was something she liked. She's been use to quietness, and enjoyed every second of it. She sat at the end Slytherin table in the Great Hall, which had a few other students from other houses. She looked at her classes. Potions first. She looked at her Potions textbook reading into some of the future lessons. She's done most of not all of these before. She frowned hoping to be learning something new.

She spent her lifetime being trained and taught by her parents. They wished for her , and her brother to be strong and power wizards. To rule what was meant to be ruled.

The table begun to crowd with her fellow classmates. She saw Tom and he's friends walk into the hall as she got ready to leave to potions. She walked right past them. Tom looked backed before continuing his way to the table sitting with his future followers.

"Isn't it odd , a transfer?" Abraxas Malfoy spoke.

"I don't think we've had any till now."Avery agreed.

"She seems very odd." Laura Lestrange replied. "Wouldn't you agree Tom?"

"I do not know what I think of her." He watched as she left.

Still unable to get past the encounter they shared this morning he rose and grabbed his bag before leaving, letting his group know he'll see them in class. They all gave him a bizarre look but didn't question it. He marched out and say her standing near the front of the a Great Hall, clearly trying to figure out her classes.

"Lost are we?" He studied her.

She looked up. "Annoying are we?"

Clearly she had a habit to mock people. He knew she knew he was hitting his pet peeve. Insolence. He could only take so much of it.

But, he pushed past it. "What's your first class?"

"Potions." She said eyeing him. Expecting him to react.. more. 

"Follow me, I have that class as well. I'll show you and you better remember it." He muttered before walking towards the class.

She followed after him not sure why he had a sudden change in heart.


"Tom! My dear boy how was your summer!" A man welcomed him as the pair entered the classroom.

"It was fine Professor." Tom replied humbly.

Conscious raised a brow. Tom riddle was a teachers pet. She held her laugh back. Seeing as had such a cocky ego a few moments ago she hasn't expect him to be kiss up.

"And who is this! A new student! My my this is rare. Welcome dearie! I am Professor Slughorn, I will be your potions teacher for this year." He smiled joyfully.

"Conscious Jones, I am looking forward to this class." She replied. His energy was rather large for being only nine in the morning.

"Where did you come before?" He questioned.

Again. Curiosity seemed to fill this bloody school.

"Home, I was taught at home by my parents."

"I believe that is a muggle study is it not?" He questioned.

She saw Tom exhale aggressively. He seemed to have a problem with the term muggles.

"I wasn't taught by muggles, it was just more practical to learn magic from the people who birthed you it." She replied shifting.

"Interesting way of life! Wouldn't you agree Tom?" He laughed.

"Yes of course." He smiled at him.

"Toms my brightest student! I hope this class doesn't prove to be to challenging. Perhaps you shall sit with Tom today. He can help you get all caught up!" He recommended.

She snickered slightly. He was underestimating her character. But she didn't argue with him , and agreed to his recommendations.

"Wonderful! Tom you wouldn't mind would you?" He asked.

"Not at all Professor. I only wish for the best in students." He replied. "I sit in the front, let's prepare, students will come soon."

She moved with him to the front and sat. She hasn't known Tom long but she can tell he was putting on a show, and that this teacher bought into it.

"Ah! You already have a textbook lovely. Today will just be a review from Year Six. I don't expect you to answer any dearie , you are more then welcome to sit and re gain our previous years." Slughorn said. "I shall be back in a jiffy!" With that he left.

Leaving her with Tom.

"Last year focus was pretty straight forward and I strongly feel like you will have no problem knowing seeing as you already marked up you book." Tom said. He saw she already had made notes.

She couldn't tell if that was some sort of complaint or not. So she stayed quiet, nodding.

Tom pulled out his paper and quills along with his book and begun to write down the date and the class. She soon copied.

The class soon filled up with blue and green as Slughorn introduced himself and for straight into asking simply questions.

Conscious shot her hand up answering the first one, then the second, third and it went on.

Tom wasn't shocked. He could tell she already knew what was happening. He along her answered majority of the questions Slughorn asked finishing the first class.

"My my Tom, you have some competition this year." The professor teased.

"Certainly, I look forward to the rest of the year." He smiled charming him so easily. He packed his things leaving Conscious to be the last to leave.

"And Conscious, very very very good. I shouldn't have questioned your knowledge it's rather impressive. I host a dinner for the students I find are most worthy and intelligent. Would you care to join us for our first dinner next week." He asked.

"I'd be honoured, thank you. I must be heading to my next classes." She replied.

"Yes yes cannot be late!" Slughorn laughed. She smiled slightly before leaving. She was surprised to see Tom awaiting for her.

"Let's go." He said walking away.

"Go where?" She questioned as she ran to catch up to him. Again why was he helping her? His ego earlier is clearly being masked behind appearance he shows everyone else.

"Classes. We have the same and I said today will be the only day I show you around." He remarked.

"Oh. Thank you." She said. 

"Don't expect anything else though." He warned. She frowned. But didn't say anything.

Like first class, they both sat next to each other, answering questions first and even sharing some notes they made. Someone they didn't expect to do, no one did.

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