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"I don't know, I don't trust anyone. Only myself." Tom replied, wearily.

She studied him. "I know."

Silence over came the two. They both now were looking out to the distance. The sun nearly set leaving the sky a vivid orange and pink colour with hints of darkness ready to consume the beautiful site. The moon already up as the sun completely vanished.

She turned to him. "I trust you Tom."

He stared back. He couldn't see any hints of lies from those four words. He truly did want to trust someone either than him. Someone like her but it was in his nature to only trust himself before anyone. A sad fate he would never undo.

"We should be going, it's near curfew." He said straighten up fixing his cuffs of his suit. She looked up seeing the sky.

"We should." She replied. He extended his hand out and she looked down and smiled. Placing her hand in his, she soon moved her arm up to hug him. He at first stood still slowing placing his arms on her lower back. They both exhaled deeply. Their embrace made them feel normal, like something was lifted from their shoulders. He made space between them before walking down as she followed.

The returned to the common room, seeing their usual group sitting, chatting within each other.

Tom picked up the daily profit newspaper from the table, seeing Dumbledore and Grindlewall spread across the front page.

'Grindlewall Escape'

It read. Conscious leaned over and read the paper as well.

"You don't think he'd come here, do you?" Conscious asked.

"Of course not, he has no purpose here." Tom reassured her.

"Did he not attend Hogwarts?" She asked.

"Yes, he was a fellow Slytherin." Abraxas added.

She let that sink in. "Then he has a reason to return here."

"Scared Conscious?" Someone mocked from
the other end. She turned to see Laura was the one speaking.

"No. It would just make sense to return to the place where everything begun." She justified. She wasn't scared one bit, she was more curious than anything- even fascinated at Grindlewall.

"Seems like it to me." Laura continued to mock.

Conscious eyes narrowed slightly. "I'm shaking with fear."

Zevi chuckled at her sarcasm, earning him a glare from Laura.

Lestrange let out a puff of angry. "If he comes here I hope he ends you."

Conscious snickered at her weak remark, only fuelling Laura's angry.

"Now now Laura." Tom chimed in. "Such foul mouth won't get you anywhere."

Laura glanced at Tom, before returning her gaze to Conscious. "Fine." A huff escaped her mouth before turning and leaving.

Conscious eyed her as she left. "You didn't need to step in Tom."

He looked at her expecting to meeting her gaze but she kept her gaze on Laura as she walked out. The common room filled with uneasy silence. Most of the students left hearing a bitter starting leaving the regular group.

"Are you actually worried?" Zevi asked.

"No. More curious."

"Of what?" Abraxas asked.

"It doesn't matter." She waved her hand turning to them. "What matters is I need to train you and we must set a date. I hope you boys have been practicing."

A grin came over her face leaving everyone unsettled. What was Conscious really thinking of about Grindleward? And would her thoughts of his return be true?

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