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Conscious walked towards some of the injured students, most appeared to be first or second year. How awful. Children innocent children covered in blood and tears, fear screaming from each of their eyes. She recognized the boy she saved early sitting with a small group of Hufflepuffs. She headed towards him bending down.

"Are you alright?" Conscious asked. The first years looked scared, they knew she was a Slytherin.

"W-why would a Slytherin care?" A girl stuttered.

Conscious frowned. "Because you are just children, now are any of you hurt?"

They shock their head no, not meeting her gaze.

She huffed before standing turning to help another before she heard the boy pipe up. "Thank you." She turned back with a smile, before moving on to the next.

Slughorn was running around like a headless man uttering out healing spells to some near by students. Conscious shock her head before catching Dumbledores eyesight, he was standing alone near the pillars. She narrowed her eyes striding off to him.

"You might wish to tell you're murderous boyfriend aimless attacking children won't get your attention." Conscious hissed.

Dumbledore folded his arms. "I presumed you didn't want to help in any form Ms.Jones."

Her fist clenched. "Attacking children isn't power it's pathetic and it's shocking that you did nothing."

"I've called for a duel between he and I moments ago." Dumbledore responded. "So yes, he did reach a reaction out of me."

"If you don't kill him, I will." Conscious spoke, a dark tone lacing every letter.

Dumbledores jaw visibly clenched. "For someone who doesn't wish to pressure her fathers path, you are very similar."

And that was enough for the girl to snap. She raised her wand to his throat eyes a livid. Black filling in her blue orbs. "Don't you ever refer me to him again. I am nothing like him!"

Dumbledore didn't even flinch, he was provoking her on purpose and she quickly realized, drawing away her wand. Conscious marched off quickly to The Room Of Requirements.

Inside she set up dummies for her to take her new found anger out. She had no idea why her emotions shot up so quickly. First she was crying, now saving people and now anger?

"Fuck!" She cursed throwing a spell at the dummy setting it on fire. She repeated to cast spells on the dummy again and again, feeling her magic literally through her veins.

The door opened behind her, but that didn't stop her she knew it was Tom, she could sense his magic.

"Are you alright?" Tom asked.

She struck the dummy again followed by a string of unpleasant words.

Tom took that as a no, walking over to stand in front of her taking her wand from her grips. "Conscious."

"Don't." She muttered turning her back to him. He simply walked around to face her again.

"I'm sorry." He spoke.

"I said don't Tom." Conscious muttered.

He pulled her into his arms, wrapping his then around her waist pulling her close. She laid her head on his chest, holding his shoulders. Her burning need to kill started to fade, her wavy of emotions dying off slowly.

"Something is wrong with me Tom. My emotions it's spinning out of control and I don't know why." She whispered. He stroked her hair holding her tighter.

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