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The night sky illuminated the streets, that is with the help of passing cars. The weather was as cold as it could get so she intertwined her hands in hopes of warming up just a bit.

The store was about five seconds from where she was standing so she ran as fast as she could to get inside; she hated the dark. Her hands clasped the handle and she slightly pushed open the door entering slowly.

Nari had just arrived to Busan a week ago, her mother had a job promotion as a teacher so they moved from Incheon. It was just her, her mother and her little sister Ara. Her father left them when Ara was just a baby. She's always wanted to help her mother in some way but her mother always told her that education comes first.

"Nari, what are you looking for this time?" Suk, the owner of the grocery store who she had befriended since the first day, asked.

She kept looking through the aisle for that special candy that Ara loved, "Chocolates for Ara, she's crazy over them."

She heard him chuckle before she picked up the green packet with small chocolates inside.

"Hurry up kid, I'm closing up." Suk said to her and she jogged up to the cash register giving him the money.

"Thank you, I'll come back tomorrow to pay you back the milk that I owe you." she said jokingly.

The middle aged man chuckled, "You better."

Nari smiles as she tucks the chocolates inside her carry on bag and leaves the store bidding Suk good bye. She searched  for her phone and played her playlist on shuffle as she placed her earphones correctly. She slowly started to recognize how tomorrow would be her first day of school, how everything would change tomorrow.

Her stomach started grumbling so she stopped walking and opened the packet. For some reason her music stopped.

I need to buy new ones, she thought.

"Do you have the money?" a deep voice was heard in the alley way she just passed.

She stopped her tracks, as she listened to the conversation.

"I thought your boss had given me an extra day, sir." another voice replied, the person's voice wavered.

The girl stopped her trembling hands by holding on to the strap of her purse, no one is dying today she thought.

A chuckle was heard, "Is he serious?"

"Taehyung, hush, I can handle this." the other voice replied.

"Oh, are you sure? I mean, Namjoon said to give this guy a chance and you went behind his orders." Taehyung replied, angered, "For example, we broke the main rule: wear a mask at all times to hide your identity." he finished with a harsh tone.

"People should learn how to respect Bangtan. Giving people an 'extra day' and concealing our identity isn't the right way to do it, hyung." the voice replied with a harsh tone.

Nari's eyes widened as she heard the name. Bangtan, one of the most dangerous gangs in Korea that ran the streets of Busan, was right before her and she hadn't run away already.

"We are not alone." another smooth voice replied and they all went silent.

"You are off the hook this time." He replied.

Her heart sped up.

Oh great, you just had to gasp out loud didn't you? He's not the one dying today, you are, she said to herself.

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