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Hyuk had his scowl on as he stabbed the food with the fork aggressively. He had been like this for the past five minutes and it made Nari nervous.

Luckily the morning classes were not with them, she had a peaceful morning and she was happy. Every once in a while she'd remember that even though she hasn't seen them ever since this morning; they are around the school somewhere. That made her heart beat faster by the second.

Nari sighed, "Look, Hyuk I didn't know. I'm sorry."

"I'm not mad at you," he replied as he sipped his water, "I'm just tired of them."

Nari smiled in relief, she didn't want to ruin their new found friendship.

"Every year it's the same thing, they get away with anything just because the director's kid is their leader meanwhile whenever I accidentally curse I get detention." he whispered angrily at the girls, it was a miracle that smoke didn't start coming out of his ears.

The girl rolled her eyes, "Well have you tried talking about it with the faculty?" she asked.

"Nari, one of them is the son of the principal. If he lets them do whatever they want then there's nothing that the faculty can't do." he said as he ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

She sighed and leaned closer to whisper at him, "You can't let them be unfair to you! You have to defend yourselves." she said.

Hyuk let out a sigh before responding, "They have connections, they can pull strings to get anyone expelled in seconds, I don't think so."

After a long awkward silence, Eun had arrived from physical education. She sat down next to Nari looking at both of them weirdly.

"Is everything okay?" she asked concerned, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

Nari and Hyuk nodded, letting their conversation behind.

"Yeah, I'm just going to get some juice. I'll be right back." Nari told them as she stood up and headed to make the line for soda refills.

She kept thinking about what Hyuk had told her. How can this be happening here? Firstly, the gang goes to the same school as her. Secondly, they can do anything and get away with it. Lastly, one of them almost tried killing her last night and these boys are going to be with her until she graduates.

Oh the irony, she said to herself.

She couldn't blame Hyuk for not defending himself against them. If she wanted a nice education she wasn't going to jeopardize it because of some boys.

The line wasn't moving and she was the last one, she was starting to get impatient. Nari was so caught up in her thoughts that she almost jumped when she felt a light tap on her shoulder.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

No, please no, she thought to herself.

This can't be...no way.

She turned around cautiously and saw a face she'd never think of seeing again, not after last night.

Taehyung, the boy who tried apologizing to her before he left. At least one of them still has their manners checked out...sort of.

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