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     The hem of the dress was pulled by herself. It was too short for her. The color was beautiful but it was too short.

     "Don't pull it, you might break it." Hye said from her side.

     Nari huffed, "It's too short."

     "It's just for a little while." Taehyung responded from her other side.

      Jungkook hadn't spoken to her since he saw her in that dress. Did he hate it? Did she look hideous? She didn't know why he was ignoring her.

They were inside the car at the moment. Everyone was silent.


"I know but–"

"You aren't used to these types of dresses." Jin finished for her.

Nari nodded.

"It's okay, you look beautiful in it," Hye stopped and looked to Jungkook, "right Jungkook?"

What is she doing?!

Nari looked at Jungkook and he looked at her briefly through the rear view mirror.

He sighed, "She's right, you look beautiful so don't worry." he returned his gaze to the road.

The girl put her head down as her cheeks blushed.

"See." Hye winked at her before putting her arm around her.

After a while they arrived to the club. From the car you could see the amount of people waiting in line. There were so many.

The fresh air blew on her face. She shivered. It was cold and she had forgotten to bring her jacket.

"Here." Yoongi have her his jacket and placed it around her shoulders.

Nari shook her head, "Thank you but you should keep–"

"It's okay. You keep it." he responded before they continued their way inside.

Nari waited for Jungkook since he told her that she'd be with him the whole night.

His hand interlaced hers, "Lets go." he mumbled.

They'd still keep the act inside the club.

Jungkook showed his card to the bouncer. More like his fake ID.

The bouncer let them in and they rejoined the group.

Just as they arrived, Namjoon ordered them to get in their positions.

     "Taehyung and Yoongi, you guys are on the upper deck. Jimin and Jin, you are at the bar. Hoseok, Hye and I are close to the main entrance. Jungkook and Nari, you guys are on the dance floor." Namjoon said the positions one by one as he pointed to their respective areas.

      Taehyung took out some small black beads and handed each person one.

       "We'll talk through here." Namjoon remembered them.

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