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   An unknown feeling to her, yet, she felt it for the first time that night. Her heart was filled with anger, rage–but revenge consumed all her being.

    In the car everyone was silent. Nari glanced at everyone, they had slowly become part of her family. Eight boys, two girls who cared for each other.

    They began passing through what looked like a club. Intoxicated people began stumbling through the entrance.

Nari saw the name plastered in the entrance; 103.

    "We're here." Namjoon said as he waited for Jungkook to park the car and got out of the passenger seat.

   Everyone got out but Namjoon stopped Nari, "Stay in the car with the girls."

   "What? No, we're all going." Eun protested.

   Namjoon nudged Taehyung, he opened his eyes really big before speaking, "It's not safe." he whispered in hopes that Yugyeom didn't hear what he had said.

   The mentioned boy scoffed as he leaned against his red car, "Oh come on, let them come Nam."

   "Yes, let us go inside with you guys. We're in this too." Hye added.

   All the boys stayed silent, again. Jungkook glared at Nari with an unreadable expression before sighing, "Come on," he took Nari's hand and was about to drag her inside with him before stopping due to the constant stares of the rest of his friends, "like Hye said, they're in this too and," he turned to Nari but rapidly glanced at the girls, "I–we won't let anything happen to you."

   His stare made Nari's knees weak. Who am I kidding, it could make anyone week in the knees.

    "Thank you, Jungkook. Now let's go inside." Hye smiled before nudging both girls and linking their arms together.

   But, his stare made her know that he wasn't talking about just the girls; he had reassured her that he will keep her safe.

   He had promised with those words that he'd do anything for her to be safe.

   "Well then, welcome to the 103." Yugyeom said as he let the guards open the doors.

    Holy cow was that place huge. Neon purple lights shone on the floor and upbeat music blared through the speakers. Bodies against each other filled the building.

   Jungkook's hand gripped hers to let her out of her shock.

   She had been at a party but never in a club.

  "Are you okay?" he said to her ear. The music was too loud.

  She nodded before she continued following the group with his hand still on hers.

   They were led through a narrow hall before turning to a sharp right and entering the last door.

   "Is this your club?" Yoongi asked Yugyeom who had invited them inside the gray walled office.

   He cleared his throat, a woman came in with a tray that had a bottle of beer on it. Her skirt ended on her thighs, "Thanks, babygirl." he said to her before his lips were meeting hers in a quick sloppy kiss.

   The girl smiled before leaving as she closed the door. Once she did, he opened the beer and drank it.

  "My dad owns the club, I'm just keeping an eye until he comes back," he intertwined his fingers on the black desk, "Do you guys want anything to drink? It's on the house."

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