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    The whole process of healing Seokjin was becoming awkward. They all stood silently. The six boys were sprawled across the living room. Meanwhile, Jin was sitting on a kitchen stool with Nari placing the ointments on his face.
     "It hurts." he said to her as she placed a bandage on his face.

     She didn't respond, she just gave him a pack of iced peas from Namjoon's fridge, "Put this on your eye, it will help stop the swelling."

  He took the ice pack and nodded to her as a form of thank you.

   Nari sorted out the kit before giving it to Namjoon.

   "Thank you." the boy's eyes reflected something Nari hadn't seen on them ever since she first met them.

   She had known Namjoon to be a serious, quiet person. This was a new side to him, vulnerable, grateful and sorrowful.

   The girl nodded before turning her gaze to the other boys.

   "I'm not mad," she admitted, "I'm just confused and scared out of my mind." her hand was placed on her hip as she tried to calm her emotions.

   "We can explain." Jimin started walking to her and she sighed.

   Nari shook her head, "You don't have to explain to me, it's okay if you guys want to keep this to yourselves," she was being honest, "I understand."

   Namjoon stood up from his couch and responded, " No, you need to know this," he paused, "besides, you are part of us now."

   She was part of them; one of them and she deserved to know.

    "Sit down." Jungkook went up to her and held her hand.

    He sat her down beside him with his hand still upon hers. His warmth brought her calmness and comfort.

    Taehyung smiled at her before he began to tell her. It was as if he was telling her, it'll be okay.

   "Hyuk was in Bangtan, he was actually one of the leaders when it was just Jin, Yoongi, Namjoon, Hyuk and I," he motioned to the boys, all except Hyuk, "everything was going smoothly, no one knew about us and our status grew higher everyday." Taehyung finished.

    "Everyone feared us without knowing who we really were." Namjoon answered.

   Hyuk was part of this. He knew about this even before she even arrived in Busan.

    "He had a sister called Melody who eventually became part of Bangtan, too." it was Yoongi's voice now that was heard through the living room.

   "He said that he found her dead on his sidewalk–" she started but was interrupted by Jungkook's voice.

   "That's true, but there's more to it," he held her hand tenderly, "we didn't kill her."

   "Zik did." Jin mumbled as he had his head down.

   Jimin furrowed his eyebrows, he seemed to be angry; anyone would be if another person killed a very special person in someone's life. In this case it was Jin's lover who sadly suffered the consequences.

   "He noticed Mel and Jin had something, so he killed her and later blamed it on us." his voice hardened.

   Nari looked at him, "Were you guys on Bangtan when this happened?" she asked the others.

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