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    That was the way Nari was behaving with Jungkook today at school. He had tried several times to talk to her but she just ignored him.

    Jungkook had also tried to make small but cute gestures like policing his head on her shoulder but she shook him off. She didn't want to act as a couple today, she'd just say that they had a small fight in case if anyone asks.

    "He is sulking, I've never seen him like this." Taehyung said as they sat in the library with Eun, Hyuk and Jimin.

    Eun scoffed, "There's a first time for everything, I guess." she mumbled.

   During these past minutes that they were 'studying', the brown haired boy had glanced at Nari repeatedly. From the other side of the library she could feel his defining stares, as usual. He had sat down with Jin, Namjoon, Hye, Hoseok and Yoongi.

Taehyung and Jimin asked if they could join them to study. They agreed, forgetting about the states of the other peers that looked strangely at the orange and brown haired boys.

"Zik has been absent this whole month, that's weird." Hyuk commented.

Jimin stopped copying Hyuk's notes and spoke, "Maybe we drove him off with our intense stares."

They all chuckled, because it was probably true, as they continued with their work. Nari couldn't focus on her notes. She decided to go and look for an art book for her end of the semester project.

     She soothed out her burgundy blazer as she read the categories on each shelf. One of her secret passion was books. She loved to be transported into another reality with words. Books had helped her cope with her father's sudden departure from her life.

      Abstract Art

  She skipped the other category and found the right one.

     Contemporary Art, finally.

     Just as she was about to take the book, she realized that it was too far from her reach. Unless she could magically grow some inches, she'd be able to reach it.

     "Why did I have to be born so tiny?" she mumbled to herself.

     An arm instantly grabbed her book. Nari was about to protest so she turned around. Seokjin was smirking at her as he nudged her book for her to take.

    "You are welcome." he joked.

    "Thank you." she took her book clutching it to her chest.

     She turned around to leave but his voice cut her off.

     "We're glad that you are okay." he said to her.

     Nari smiled at Jin, "Thanks, Jin."

     "You know that he didn't mean to leave you, right?" he continued.

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