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The clock ticked slowly but surely. She kept her eyes on the clock, never glancing away.

Nari was still fuming. At first she couldn't believe that he did that to her but, it's Jungkook that we're talking about so what did she expect?

There were only two students in this detention. Guess who wasn't in detention, Jungkook. The two students with her were a girl and a boy. They were in different chairs and they all stood silent. The teacher was on his desk grading some tests.

She still had to tell her mother that she was in detention. Nari could already see her mother grounding her for life or just scolding her.

She started doodling, like she usually does, on a paper she found on her desk. She had placed her book-bag on the chair next to hers.

Suddenly the sound of the door opening startled her. She looked up to see who entered and it was him.


The teacher  glanced up but later kept writing on her papers.

Jungkook walked until he was on the chair next to Nari, he took her book-bag lightly off her chair and sat down next to her.

Nari ignored him and kept looking straight. She still wasn't having it today.

The scraping of Jungkook's chair echoed through the classroom. He had moved the chair closer to Nari, but they still had a reasonable distance.

He put his feet on the table making Nari jump from the impact.

She glared at him, he just smiled sheepishly before taking out his phone and typing on it.

"What are you doing here?" she asked him as she took a sharp breath.

He looked as if he was just sitting down on the living room of his house. He looked as if he didn't have one care in the world.

He looked up, "Keeping you company." his eyes looked at her and she fell in a trance that she tried to avoid, but eventually couldn't.

His brown eyes were the most beautiful pair of eyes she had ever seen

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His brown eyes were the most beautiful pair of eyes she had ever seen. The way the color mixed creating a light brown astonished her.

Snap out of it! she said to herself.

"You're not fooling me, what are you really doing here?" she asked as she crossed her hands on her chest.

His sigh confirmed his real motives.

He looked at her before handing his phone to her, "Put your phone number in."

Was he serious?

She stared at the phone in confusion, "I can text you."

"Put your phone number in." he repeated.

Through the Fire | j.jk Where stories live. Discover now