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    Life is a rollercoaster, we must endure it in order to become stronger; leave our fears to become more brave.

    As Nari kept replaying her call with her father, she'd began wondering if fate was really by her side. She began to wonder if she was destined to live with secrets and lies, it sure seemed like it. Her father hung up before she could even pronounce another word.

How did she feel? She felt enraged, confused, shocked but definitely enraged at her father for contacting her now after a few years.

  Why now?

   After the call, she remembered that she had received a call from that same number, but the person who answered it was not her father.  She'd have to tell her friends about the call, and possibly about the few texts she had also received.

    "Earth to Nari!" Hye shook the girl's shoulder's as they sat at the backseat of Jungkook's car.

   The group was on their way to have a meeting with Yugyeom and his men.

     Nari shook her head to drift away from her thoughts. She had noticed that everyone knew something was off. Jungkook asked her just as the others, but she wouldn't want to ruin the mood.

   A hand was placed on her shoulder, she jumped and turned to who had touched her, Hyuk "Are you sure you're okay?" he asked.

    The girl nodded before turning to the front to see the dark eyed boy she had begun to love staring at her before he turned back his focus to the street ahead.

   "So, Nari," Namjoon began speaking from the passenger seat, "Yugyeom can be – how do I say this?– he can be a little harsh when meeting new people." he warned.

    "Harsh? Are you sure?" Hye asked sarcastically.

    "Babe–" Namjoon started as he tried to calm her down.

   Hye turned to Nari, "He's nothing but a cold hearted, little–"

   The car came to an abrupt stop interrupting a raging Hye.

   "We're here." Hyuk interrupted.

Quickly they got out of the car and met up with the others. They had arrived at a deserted parking. There were only their cars there were no other cars in sight.

"Where is he, did he bail us again?" Eun asked as she got out of Jimin's car with Taehyung by her side.

Yoongi chuckled, "If he bailed again, I will–"

Just as the others incorporated with them, a loud engine sound began growing. Suddenly, a red car's wheels screeched before parking in front of the two cars.

   At the back other motorcycles followed and parked behind the two cars.

    The door of the red car opened, revealing a red haired man. He wore a stussy with ripped jeans, a mask on his mouth and black boots.

  He looked like another teenager.

   "Oh wow, hello." he smirked maliciously at the group. Something about the boy's smile made Nari feel uneasy.

   A few men stood behind him with scowls on their faces.

   "Yugyeom." Namjoon stepped in front of his group.

   Jungkook nudged Nari's stomach lightly, grabbing her attention.

   He extended an object towards Nari, in his hand was a black object that she had seen in movies but had heard the sound of it the night she almost died.

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