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     "Don't do it." Hoseok told Jungkook who had stayed in his friend's room to play video games.

    The girls had decided to all sleep in one room and the boys agreed to share beds on another room.

   In other words, the group of  boys were now roommates for the time being.

    Jungkook kept pushing the buttons on the control remote, "Five." he responded.

    Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows and turned to his friend, "What?"

    "Five times. You've told me that five times, hyung," the dark haired boy responded as he kept his gaze on the screen, "but I'm still going to do it."

    "It's dangerous." Yoongi said, his head on Jimin's lap as he played with his phone on the bed.

    He almost felt like the boys didn't believe in what he could do; that they didn't trust him, but that wasn't the case. They did believe in him and in his potential. The only thing was that they cared so much for him so they were just worried for his being. 

    Jungkook scoffed, "I'll be fine, I have to settle everything with him." he assured as he turned his focus to the group of guys who where scattered around the room.

  Some were on another room, but Yoongi, Hoseok, Jungkook and Jimin had stayed on the same room.

    "You're putting too much responsibility on yourself." Jimin answered.

    The boy stayed quiet, he had decided to continue with the video game. Jungkook tried to let his mind relax with the game but it wasn't working.

   Putting the game on hold, he had stood up and took his phone in his hands, "I'll be in the balcony up front."

   When he left the room he let out a sigh. He was just a few feet away from his room, but he just needed a few minutes of complete and utter silence.

   Or so he thought.

   "It's dangerous for you to be put here alone." Yugyeom said to him as he placed his arm around his shoulder.

    Jungkook chuckled, "Everything is dangerous now."

     "Touché." Yugyeom responded.

      "I just want all of this to end." he let out.

      The boy next to him nodded, "I agree with you on that."

   "Not just this," he said referring to the current situation, "but the killing, the persecution, the kidnapping; everything."

    Yugyeom furrowed his eyebrows, "Kook, you're in a business that specializes on all of those things."

    He knew that. He really did know that it was part of his job, but maybe it was time to leave. Maybe, this was the right moment to take that decision after all of this was over.

    "Then maybe it's time for me to end this." he stared at the sky that had blue and pink hues in between. Its clouds were making different shapes of a heart, a dog and even a bunny.

   He wished to feel as free and lightweight as the clouds. He wished to be free of the constant fear that creeped on him, but he had to wait. After everything is solved then he'll consider leaving the job to have a normal teenage life; life of parties, happiness, going out with Nari without no worries and just being carefree.

   Yugyeom was about to say something but he was interrupted by someone calling him.

"I'll see you later, and Jungkook," Yugyeom said, "think that through, then make your decision." he smiled.

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