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Today the sky was clear and the air warm. Some would say that it was the perfect weather, not for Nari. She had just gotten out of school so she was sweating heavily due to the burgundy uniform.

Her head kept replaying her conversation with Taehyung. She wanted to tell him, she wanted to tell someone. Unfortunately she couldn't.

      As she continued to walk through the streets of Namjoon's neighborhood she contemplated on the kiss she shared with Jungkook.

    The way he held her. The way his lips molded with hers. The way he touched her as if she was a small flower that he did not want to break. He drove her crazy.

    Both had not said any words outside of school. When he called her for tutoring purposes, that is all they did. She noticed he had distanced himself from her.

    She wasn't called up for another mission after what happened. That is, except today. After school ended, Jimin had called her to tell her that they requested her again. She was going on another one of their "missions".

    Her phone began ringing as she kept waking, she was receiving a call.


     "Are you coming or not?"

     "Jimin, I'm on my way. Why are you asking?"

     "We changed the place."

     "What do you mean?"

     "We're going to Jungkook's house instead. He didn't want to come to the meeting so we are going to him instead."
    She let out an involuntary sigh. Out of all the houses available, it had to be his.


    "I'm almost at Namjoon's house."

    "I'll pick you up."

     "No–no way! I'm not going on that motorcycle."

    "I have my parents' car today again, silly."

    "Fine, I'm close to the bus stop."

     "Okay, I'll see you in a few."

Jimin arrived faster than she had expected. The car was a recent model. It was the fanciest car she had ever seen.

"Get in loser, we're going shopping!" Hye shouted from the backseat. Namjoon chuckled as he held his girlfriend's hand.

      Jimin had motioned for her to open the passenger seat.

      She stayed silent as she settled herself on the seat.

     "Hello." she mumbled.

     "Why are you so shy today?" Jimin asked her as he drove off.

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