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    Night had fallen. Eun had invited the girls to her home and they were now in the living room. Her parents had been kind to the girls and they had left them alone to continue their impromptu sleepover.

   They were trying to watch a movie that they had chosen, but their minds were somewhere else.

    "Yugyeom wasn't like that." Eun let out. Nari has noticed that she had held it in for a while.

    Hye chuckled, "What was he like, then?"

   "He was kind, fun and he cared about us a lot," she responded, "he would have never do that, back in the day."

   "Wait, so he was in the gang when you were too?" Nari asked her.

   Eun shook her head, "I backed out, I left when he told me what they really did."

   "I cant believe he almost shot Namjoon." Hye sighed before letting a tear fall.

   Nari put her arm around her shoulder, "Me neither."

   "I thought that he would really shoot him. I–" Hye was interrupted by Eun.

   "Hey," she said to her, "Namjoon is fine." she reassured her.

   Hye nodded, "I was so scared, I don't know how to explain what I really felt when they pointed their guns at him." she admitted.

   "I told him that this was a bad idea, he just never listens." Hye finished.

   Nari hugged her, they were all speechless. No one knew how to react. This showed her that above all the wrong choices and paths they were choosing, they were still human; they were aloud to cry, aloud to be afraid, they were aloud to feel

   "When I met him, he was this shy little boy and I was just a little girl." Hye began.

   She smiled before continuing, "I remember when he would get nervous for every little gesture," her eyes sparkled, "hand holding, a smile, and now he just–" she took a deep breath, "he still is the same boy I met in middle school, but he's got so much on his shoulders. This is too much for him."

   Nari felt like Namjoon did have a lot to take care of. The fate of her friend's lives were on their hands.

    "I've been suggesting for him to get away from all of this, to just stop." Hye proceeded.

   Eun looked at her, "What did he say?"

   The now red haired girl looked at Eun with a broken expression, "He says he's saving up for us, for our future and that he couldn't just leave you guys like this."

    "He also says that he wouldn't leave the only people he has left, that we mean so much to him." she said.

   Eun chuckled, "I never pictured him to be a softie on the inside."

Hye smiled, "He's always been a softie, he just tries to hide it," she answered before wiping her tears with her hands, "just like Taehyung is such a softie for you."

Eun's cheeks tinted the color red. Her hands were on her cheeks as she tried to hide her crimson colored cheeks, "Oh come on!" she giggled and so did the girls.

"I've seen your stares to him, you look at him just how Jin looks at food." Hye said.

"I mean, Taehyung is cute." Eun admitted.

Nari nudged her stomach, "So you like him?" she wiggles her eyebrows.

No words were spoken, Eun just nodded before smiling to the ground.

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