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The startling sound of his phone's alarm woke him up. His eyes widened in shock, the alarm was so loud. He held his hand out to the night table and tapped the screen.

    The hand that grasped lightly his waist had trailed up to his cheek. Small strokes were left on his rose tinted cheeks.

    They had fallen asleep while watching variety shows.

    "You don't know how many months I've been waiting for the day that I wake up with you," his voice was light and soft, as he responded to the person "in my arms, looking as beautiful as ever."

   It was true. Ever since he had kissed her, he had dreamed to have her close to him. He had dreamed to see her wake up next to him.

   She turned to him and kissed his lips, "Same here," Nari strokes lightly Jungkook's cheek with a small smile graving her features, "it feels like a dream."

   He held her closer to his body, her head on his chest. His heart thumped rapidly against his chest as he felt her breath.

    Can they just stay like this forever?

    That's when Jungkook has remembered the meeting.

    "The meeting!" he exclaimed. Rapidly, he glanced at his phone and saw the time; 7:09 PM.

    They were late, and Namjoon did not like it when people were late. In other words, they were in big trouble.

    Both teens got up and ran to the door, not before taking their room key with them.

   "I thought you had the alarm for six!" Nari scolded him as they ran to the third level.

    Jungkook chuckled, "I did! You were the one that woke up before me!" he joked.

    "I didn't hear no alarm at six!" she told him as they jogged up the stairs.

    Jungkook stopped, which made him feel her chest collide against his back.

   Slowly, he turned to her, "Maybe," he tugged her closer to him by her waist, "I just wanted to spend some alone time with you." he mumbled to her as he pecked her lips.

    He felt her smile against his lips and so did he.

    "First it's Taehyung and Eun, now it's you guys?" Yoongi's voice startled them both.

   He stood at the top of the stairs with a scowl on his face, but you could see a hint of a smile that crept up his features.

   "Tae and Eun?" Nari asked

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   "Tae and Eun?" Nari asked.

    Yoongi laughed at her reaction and motioned for them to head on upstairs, "You'll know later, now come on," they caught up to him and began their way to the room, "Joon doesn't like to wait too long."

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