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It was Sunday morning, surprisingly it was warm. Her room was clean as usual. Nari was a very organized girl unlike her sister. If you entered Ara's room you could get lost inside the mess that she called her room.

The girl tossed and turned on her bed. Her eyes scanned the clock, '7:00am'. She was so used to getting up early for school that she woke up at this time on the weekends, out of habit.

Nari stretched her arms up in the air. As she let out a small yawn her phone vibrated against her night table.

Who was calling her at this time, on a Sunday?

She reached for her phone and answered the call without looking at the caller I.D.


"Woah, rise and shine. Let's hang out!"


"This will be our first time hanging out as friends. Please, Ari."


"Yes! We are going to get some coffee and then buy some stuff."

"I'll text you the address."

"Okay see you."

The call had ended and she groaned. She appreciated her friend a lot but she was a bit grumpy in the mornings.

Her feet touched the cold ground which made her shiver. As she walked to her bathroom her mind replayed everything about last night. Why did she have to agree? She hated herself for doing so.

She was so stupid. Her heart won over her mind, so stupid.

Cold water splashed on her face and it woke her up. Her reflection startled her. Her cheeks were reddened and her face displayed pure confusion.

After a few minutes she had dressed herself. As she strode down the stairs she set eyes on her mother and her little sister.

Ara was sitting down on the couch with the brightness of her phone. It illuminated her face so she could see her sleepy eyes.

On the other hand, her mother was opening an envelope. The bills were scattered on the kitchen island but her mother had a smile on her face. The girl walked toward where her mother stood and placed a hand on her shoulder.

Her mother showed her a check and giggled, "Our first check!"

Nari read the check off her mother's fingers and her eyes opened. From what she knew, that amount could help her mother pay the bills for the rest of the month.

"What?!" she screamed and hugged her mother tightly as they jumped in excitement.

She didn't have to worry anymore. That is, for this month.

Nari noticed that her little sister didn't even pay attention. Instead, the girl was still on her phone as she smiled at something.

"She's been watching pictures of some boys in your class." her mother mumbled as she cleaned up the kitchen island.

Some boys in my class?

As a big sister usually does, she dashed to the sofa and took Ara's phone. The screams of the preteen were mixed with the stomps of Nari's feet around the house.

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