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       Unbelievable. This was unbelievable. Her father had started this. How?

"Nari," a voice far away filled her eardrums.

Whispers were heard throughout the room.

She began moving but later on realized that she was being held by someone.

She was being held by Jungkook. His gentle touch was recognized by her instantly.

    Everything came back to her and she broke out into a sob.

   "He–" she cried.

    The boy held her close to him, her head on her chest as she let her tears fall.

   No words were needed, just each other's touch could settle their beating hearts.

"I'm here." Jungkook told her.

They had returned to her house and stayed on her room. The others had decided to leave them alone. Luckily, her mother did not see the boy carry her upstairs.

If her mother had seen him, it would have been a different situation.

Nari was speechless, her emotions were all over the place. Anger, rage, shock–she didn't know what she was truly feeling.

The grip Jungkook had on her slowly decreased and he started walking to her small desk on the table.

"What are you–"

"Tonight we are watching movies, eating popcorn and tomorrow I'll tell you everything." he smiled at her slightly, giving her reassurance.

After everything that has been going on she really needs to let her mind go. She just wants to forget, forget that her father helped in some way; forget that they knew about her father and they didn't tell her.

Tomorrow they'd have to talk.

As the movie began, Jungkook huddled her body closer to his. His hands gripped her waist gently making her giggle slightly, it tickled.

"Oh—you're ticklish!" he chuckled and began tickling her more.

He'd do anything to see her smile, to make her happy.

"Stop!" she had forgotten about the tears that had fallen from her eyes, instead a smile had replaced them.

Their laughs filled the room, both had tried to stay quiet because her mother was resting.

"Sto–" Nari was interrupted by his pink lips on hers.

Slow, gentle and filled with passion were the correct words Nari could use to describe their kiss. His hands moved upward and downwards her back, soothing her.

   His kisses were out of this world. No one could make her feel like this.

    Before pulling away he pecked her lips, "Let's watch the movie."

    She whined, the girl just wanted to keep kissing him all day.

     They settled on her bed, her back on his chest while he placed several kisses on her neck.

    "Jimin kept talking about Ara the other day." he mumbled to her as the movie kept rolling on her laptop.

    She chuckled, "I already gave him the talk, he promised to never hurt her–I know he won't but still."

   "You still want to protect her, it's okay. I understand." Jungkook smiled.

   He sighed, "My sister has some boys that want to date her but she's too young," he said, "I also want to keep her with me forever, but sometimes you have to let them go." his hand intertwined hers.

    She nodded before putting her head on his shoulder, "Growing up is tough."

    "It sure is." he reassured.

A few minutes passed and Nari felt his gaze on her. She tried ignoring it but it was no use.

    "What?" she asked him

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"What?" she asked him.

He shook his head, as if he was trying to wake himself up, "Huh?"

She touched her face, "Do I have something on my face?"

"Now that I think of it, you do." his gaze fell upon her lips.

Her eyes widened, this was so embarrassing, "What? Where!" she kept touching her face.

He lowered his face to hers, one small move and they would kiss again.

"Here." He touched her bottom lip gently.

She chuckled, "We are supposed to be watching a movie, you know?" she joked as she tried to settle her heart.

Jungkook shook his head once more, "You distracted me."


"You are so beautiful, gosh." he whispered as he stroked her cheek.

"Jungkook, are you okay?" she asked as it was her first time seeing him like this.

He sighed, "Can we stop fake dating?" he was being serious.

Wait, what?

Nari began thinking of everything she could've potentially done wrong during their fake dating process. Nothing came to her mind.

"Why? Did I do something wrong?" Nari asked.

His eyes widened and he leaned back, he spoke before taking a deep breath, "No! It's just that I, I really lo–"

His phone's ringtone startled both teens. Nari intentionally groaned, she wanted to listen to his answer.

"Sorry," he mumbled, the boy stood up from her bed pausing the movie as he began speaking.

He groaned as he continued listening to the person on his phone.

Nari sat on her bed as she chewed on her lip. She began studying his appearance and man, was he stunning. The black bottom up shirt really suited his eyes and outlined his chest.

"I have to go. My mother came home from her trip and she wants to see me." he said to her.

Gently kissing her forehead, he bid her goodbye.

As the door closed she let out a sigh of content. He made her forget all her troubles in an instant. She loved him.

Yes, she loved him.

"I love him, I really do." she plopped on her bed and smiled.

She loved him and wanted to spend the rest of her life with him; even if it meant leaving everything behind just to be together.

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