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     "How?" he asked as he paced around the room.

     Mel looked at him, spaced out, "Huh?" she answered.

     "How are you still alive?" Hyuk asked, stopping in front of his sister.

    The girl interlocked her fingers with Jin who had sat beside her.

    "It's complicated," she responded as she tried to smile, but her smile looked forced, "and a long story."

    Jin turned to her and smiled, "We have enough time."

    The group were inside the room waiting patiently for her to talk. Yugyeom and his men were outside and some had been severely injured. Naturally, he decided that it was best to stay at the motel for one more night and then move to another one.

   Yes, they were still searching for Nari's father. Jungkook thought he could've been at the same place where Mel was but he wasn't.

    Something was not right, and they had compromised to help Nari in her search for Yun Jay.

    "I was the one inside the quilt that you found, but I was unconscious," Mel began, "not dead."

    "I don't understand, Mel." Hyuk said.

     She nodded, "I know, I'll just explain."

     "Once you went back inside the house to tell our parents, Zik had his men exchange my body for another that was similar to mine," she seemed uneasy or maybe on edge, "more like, a body that was structurally similar to mine."

    "But how were the police able to identify the body as yours?" Jungkook asked.

    "Zik had his men enter the station and place fake test result pages, didn't he?" Jin asked as he furrowed his eyebrows.

    Mel just nodded.

    "I will kill him," Namjoon stood up, "he really did fake her death to make us go against him."

    "I can't believe this." Nari let out.

Everyone stayed silent in shock. No one dared to change the subject.

"I tried to get out but he just didn't let me." she let out a small tear.

Jin tucked a hair that feel on her face behind her ear, "Did he hit you?" he began searching with his gaze for any scars, he did find some.

They all saw her small scars on her arms, her cheek and her legs.

    "He didn't hit me," she shook her head, "but he ordered his men to do it instead."

    "He wouldn't have the guts to do it himself." Jimin let out.

    "I will kill him if I see him." Hyuk let out his rage as he kept pacing around the room.

"We will join you." Namjoon said as he began taking out some papers from under the bed.

"Then what will we do?" Hoseok asked.

Namjoon began pointing to a red dot in a map that he had folded neatly.

"We tracked the phone and it let us know that he was here, as well as Nari's father," he began explaining, "we just have to track it once more and then we leave to wherever it points us to."

    "Should I begin tracking it?" Taehyung asked as he took out his laptop and placed it on the bed.

    Namjoon nodded to the boy and he began clicking on the keyboard.

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