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Yun Nari had dreamt about the same boy last night. All night she could see him burning a small but beautiful flower with tears on his eyes.

Jungkook, that name could set her trembling without giving any second thoughts. If his name could set her trembling, then why had he been in her dreams?

After all, she wasn't going to see those boys again so she could live her life without fear of getting killed. Let's just say that she had mixed feelings about that particular situation.

She looked at herself in the mirror and let out a sigh, her new uniform horrified her. Burgundy isn't her favorite color.

"Nari! Breakfast is served." she heard her mother's voice from downstairs as she fixed her hair quickly before bringing her backpack with her.

The first thing she saw was Ara stuffing some pancakes as fast as she could, as always.

"Slow down, we're early." their mother scolded Ara, earning a scoff and a splatter of half chewed pancakes on the pre-teen's plate.

Nari chuckled as she served herself one small pancake, "Mom, it's probably her hormones."

"Not everything is because of hormones, hun." her mother said as she took a sip of her green tea.

The three of them would be spending the day at Busan High End Preparatory. Ara would be starting 9th grade and her mother would be teaching history in middle school. Meanwhile, Nari would be starting her 11th grade. She didn't feel like a soon-to-be adult. Instead she kept feeling as a teen just dreading the day she'd turn into a grown up, leaving all her memories of being young and free behind.

"Okay, let's go." after a while, Ara finished her food so they were heading to the door.

The ride was short but their mother kept talking on the way, both of the girls had headaches by now.

"Remember, don't talk to strangers and most certainly do not go to any parties." she finished.

Ara scoffed as she looked up from her phone, "I don't go to parties, mom."

"Still, just making sure I told you both before it's too late." their mother said as they pulled up in front of the school.

Nari gathered her backpack and her books sneaking a glance at the school building. You could tell just but looking at the facade that only wealthy children go to that school. She sighed and turned around to bid goodbye to her mother and Ara.

"Bye Ara, you'll be okay. Just remember what I told you last week." she said to her before hugging her as tight as she could.

She kissed her mother's cheek before leaving them as she ran into the building.

The floors were polished. The walls were made of marble and the light peeked through the colossal glass window on the ceiling. Her face was filled with shock and amazement, at her old school nobody even cared to polish the floors and most certainly the walls weren't made out of marble. Well, after all, she's going to the most expensive school in Korea.

She found her way into the office easily since it was right at the entrance. She rapidly sat down on one of the chairs and waited for her name to be called.

"Yun Nari." a woman's voice was heard and she stood up, walking to the main desk.

Nari bowed before answering, "Hello."

The woman nodded and gave her the paper, "Hyuk will show you around the school."

As soon as she said that a boy around her age with mint hair walked through the door and bowed to her.

Through the Fire | j.jk Where stories live. Discover now