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   Her beautiful eyes sparkled in the moonlight. The red dress hugged her curves, swiftly outlining her petite body. The boy's mouth dried at the sight of his beautiful girlfriend.

  "Woah." he let out as she walked up to him.

   Nari smiled as she placed her arms on his shoulders, intertwining her hands behind the nape of his neck.

  "I could say the same thing about you." she smiled as they began to dance.

   Jungkook looked around at his surroundings. They swayed to the music that blared in the party. They seemed to be in some place that Jungkook did not know, they were at a wedding.

   He furrowed his eyebrows, "Who's getting married?" he asked as he caressed her hip.

   She giggled and tucked a strand of hair around his ear, "Namjoon and Hye, silly." she smiled.

  His eyes widened, "What, are you serious?" he asked as they kept swaying to the beat of the music.

   Nari smiled as she nodded, "Yeah."

   Somehow, he had a need to ask something. He doesn't know how, but something inside him begged for him to finally ask that question.

   He took a deep breath. His hands pulled her closer to his frame. Her doe eyes looked at every detail in his features. It made the insides of his stomach feel as if a flock of butterflies were in his stomach.  Jungkook sighed before asking.

    "Nari, will you marr–" he began but Nari hugged him and whispered to him.

   "Wake up." she replied.

    "What?" he asked as she repeated it, one more time.

    "Wake up!" she whispered.

     Suddenly, everything faded and everyone was gone. All his friends and family disappeared. What was going on?

     "Wake up!" Mina shouted as she shook his shoulders.

    He sat up rapidly in shock.

     His little sister giggled as he gave her a look, "Really?" He asked her.

    "I'm sorry for waking you up from what seemed to be an interesting dream but," she motioned to the door, "you have visitors, my dear brother." she said jokingly.

   "Visitors, who?" he asked as he yawned.

    "Your fiancé is here." she winked at him.

    He widened his eyes before jumping off the bed, "W-what?" he saw her chuckle before crossing her arms on her chest, "Don't play with me, or else."

   "I heard you mumble out a few words, that's how I know about your dream." she told him before walking towards the door.

   Jungkook threw a pillow at her with a scowl on his face. He didn't notice but his cheeks were now warm and had a rosy color. Yes, he was blushing.

   "Alright," she put her hands up, as if she was surrendering, "I'm leaving, calm down lover boy."

   Sure, Mina was still in middle school, but she was mature enough to understand what was going on. Jungkook and Mina both had to grow up relatively faster than usual. Sometimes they'd both stay alone with their babysitter, but she'd let them do whatever they wanted to. Let's just say that they learned how to take care of each other by themselves.

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