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Bodies were bumping against each other at the 103, Yugyeom's club. Well, his father's club.

Nari followed the group closely as they had just left the prep and were ending the final touch-ups for their plan. She was leaving her family.

She was leaving them behind to find the person who abandoned them, ironic, right?

"What are you thinking?" Taehyung asked her as they walked up the stairs.

Nari smiled at the boy beside her, "Nothing, just," she sighed.

"Nervous?" He answered for her.

She nodded, Jungkook who was on the other side of her soothed her knuckles with his thumb.

"We all are." Hyuk told her.

As they stepped into Yugyeom's office they saw all the equipment that they prepared. It was a lot.

Guns were sprawled all over the desk, they had closed the door.

"This is our equipment mixed with yours, we got the vans all set up," Yugyeom stated, "all we need to do is leave, whenever you are ready of course."

"We need to go pick our bags first, and then we'll leave." Namjoon responded.

Yugyeom nodded, "Okay, we can meet up here in one hour."

After that, the group had left to pack everything up. As the hours went by, Nari kept regretting her decision of leaving her mother and sister behind.

But there was no looking back, she had made her decision of finding her father, of avenging Mel's death.

    Through the whole car ride with Namjoon, Nari's eyes had begun to tear up.

   She was crying.

   "What's wrong?" Hye asked her from the passenger side.

   She sniffed and she felt Jungkook hug her from her side, placing a kiss on her cheek, "Don't cry, babe." he mumbled, his lips against her cheek.

   "I can't leave them, but I want to find my dad," she sobbed, "I don't know what to do."

   "Do what your heart tells you to do." Namjoon told her as he glanced at her from the rear view mirror.

    She sniffed before hugging Jungkook back, "It's okay if you want to stay here, we'll respect your decision."

   She had already decided, it was just the guilt that was eating her alive. The only time she had actually spent a few days away from her family was when she had stayed at her grandmother's house in Incheon–she was ten.

    "I'm going with you guys." she replied what she had decided on doing.

     She had to own up to the consequences, to be ready for what will come next. The girl had to stop crying, find her father and help her friends.

   She had to.


    Going inside her house for the last time was hard enough for her. Her mother and sister were not home, they were at the supermarket. At least that's what Ara told her.

    She ran to her room quickly and started rummaging through her closet and drawers. As she threw them all in her backpack, she let the tears fall.

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