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"He ran away, he isn't that tough as he says." Yugyeom told the group as they talked outside the school.

Jimin groaned, "Then what do we do?"

Namjoon cleared his throat, "We could look for him."

"You mean, leave everything behind just to–" Yugyeom was interrupted by Jin's hard voice.

"Yes. You agreed to help us, didn't you?" he spat.

The red haired boy smiled, "You're right. My men and I will sort everything out."

After a few goodbyes, the group was back inside the halls. Jungkook held her hand as they walked. What would Nari tell her mother?

How will she tell her?

Just as she was pondering about what she might say, her phone began ringing again. She told Jungkook that she'll be back and walked further down the hall.

This time she had a strong feeling that it was her father.

She was right.


"Dad, What–"

"Don't do this, tell them to let Zik go. Stay with your mother and Ara."

"I promised them, I have to do this–I have to help them."

"I know but–"

"I'm sorry dad, but I'm doing this for them."

She hung up and took a deep breath.

Just as she was turning around, she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"You've been talking to your dad all this time?" Hobi startled her with the group behind him.

Oh, no.

"Guys, I can explain." she tried calling them down, but everyone including Eun and Hyuk seemed mad.

"Since when have you been speaking to him?" Jimin asked.

She sighed, "Guys–"

"Since when?" Hyuk repeated.

She looked down, "A few days ago."

    She saw everyone's expressions change quickly and felt her heart stop as Jungkook looked hurt.

    "And you didn't tell us, great." Jungkook mumbled.

    "I'm sorry, I just was scared of what you guys might've thought about it." she responded.

    "We would've been supportive, we are being supportive," Tae told her, "it's just that we're shocked, that's all."

   She nodded.

   "May I speak with her alone," Jungkook chimed in, "please."

    Nari looked at him and nodded.

    Everyone had left them alone by the lockers. Instantly, he gripped her wrist softly before running with her to an empty classroom.

    They got inside and closed the door.

    Standing in front of him, she could see his beautiful eyes, his scar on his cheek; his lips that she wanted to kiss so badly.

   "Why didn't you at least tell me?" he hardened his expression.

    "I'm sorry, Jungkook." she responded.

    "You could've told me, at least." He mumbled.

   She nodded, "I know–"

    He sighed before putting his hand on her face, caressing her cheek, "No more secrets, okay?"

   The way his hand fit perfectly on her cheek, the way his eyes glistened in the warm light that flickered through the window

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   The way his hand fit perfectly on her cheek, the way his eyes glistened in the warm light that flickered through the window. He was so beautiful.

   "Okay." she smiled before capturing her lips on his in a passionate kiss.

Their lips fit instantly. He placed his hands around her waist and lifted her to the desk.

"I love you." he whispered against her lips.

A smile crept on her face, "I love you, too."

He pecked her lips and pulled away slowly, "Nari, coming with us is dangerous for you."

She looked at him, still with her arms on his shoulders, "I'm going, I'm not leaving you."

He sighed, pressing his forehead against hers, "I know, baby," he kissed her lips, "and I'll be with you in every step of the way."

Nari smiled, "And I'll be with you, always."

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