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"Hold on," his voice wavered as Nari had begun to wake up, "baby, please hold on!" he tried smiling at her but he couldn't. Her face reflected pain and suffering.

Her wound on her lower abdomen wasn't that big. It still hurt, a bullet had perforated her beautiful skin.

The culprit was none other than Zik. This time, Jungkook was sure that he'd make that man pay for hurting her. No one can make his live suffer.

He held her small face against his chest and placed his trembling hand on her cheek, "It's okay, you'll be okay," his lips graced her wet cheek, she was crying due to the pain, "please hold on."

Nari just smiled slightly, "We got them."

He cannot believe her. She had just been shot but she still managed to smile. This is what he loved about her. He really loved how nothing could dim her bright and beautiful personality, not even a wound. She's the third person that he knew who had such a bright personality. The first one was Hoseok and then Taehyung, of course. But she still amazed him.

The van came to a stop and they had arrived. Jungkook took Nari in his arms and carried her carefully.

"Come on." he whispered to her with a loving tone.

Rapidly, he looked at his surroundings. They had gone back to Busan. It had taken them three hours, or even more who knows. But Jungkook was confused as to why they had gone back. Zik was looking for him and now they had returned?

"Why are we in your house?" Jungkook asked Namjoon as he placed Nari on his red couch.

Namjoon sighed, "We need to stay here with Nari and her family, we'll catch Zik later," he looked at Hye who was now healing Nari, "she has to get better first."

"I told her to stay here." Jay's voice startled the boys who were all in their own worlds.

"She wanted to look for you." Her mother responded while stroking Ara's hair. She was hugging her tightly on the end of the couch.

Jay nodded, "I thought she wasn't too fond of me," he changed his expression to a conflicted one, "but I guess I was wrong this whole time."

"People change. I thought you knew that." Namjoon said as he stared intensely at Jay.

Jay stared back guiltily, "Namjoon–" he began but was cut off by a loud slam on the dining room table.

"No, you really thought that we would find out, right?" Yoongi shouted, startling everyone including Hye who had returned from putting Nari to sleep on the guest room.

Nari's mother furrowed her eyebrows, "Find out what?"

"Nothing." Jay smiled at her, but she didn't buy it at all.

"That he was the one who sent her threats through text," Taehyung mumbled, "and that he worked for Zik all this time." he finished.

The woman widened her eyes and Ara clenched her fists, "E–excuse me?" she stuttered.

"I can explain, please." he brought his hands up slightly, as a sign of 'peace'.

Ara chuckled, "No, you can't. You left us; your family to fend for ourselves without an explanation!" she shouted.

"Honey–" Jay tried to speak but was cut off once more.

"You left us too." Jin was serious, really serious.

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