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Even faster than before, the next day, the day of her doom, had arrived.

Nari still had her conversation last night with Jungkook on her mind. She was still asking herself what he meant to say before the phone call was interrupted. She hadn't told anyone yet, not even Eun.

Hyuk finally came to school after one day of absence. He had showed up late to school, but the important thing is that he is back. The girls engulfed him in a warm group hug before sitting down for lunch.

Today was pasta Wednesday, Nari loved pastas so this was by far her favorite.

"How's everything?" Eun asked him as she took a bit of her pasta.

The boy huffed as he rolled his eyes, "Boring."

Nari swallowed the coldness of the water, "What did you do?"

"Just toured around the building, which I have seen for the last ten years thank you very much." he exclaimed.

Both girls chuckled as they kept eating their food in peace. They thought Hyuk had ended his complains but he kept going.

"I just want to be a doctor but he just keeps pressuring me to be the CEO of his recording company," he chewed vigorously on his food, "everyday it's the same thing and I'm tired of it!"

Eun looked at him with the softest expression, Nari noticed, "Have you talked to him?"

She heard him sigh before putting his hands on his face, "I've tried but he always tells me to keep the legacy, his legacy."

"But if you don't like it then you should try getting his attention and telling him about it." Nari said and they both turned to her.

"I have tried everything and it doesn't work." he said as calmly as he could.

Eun tried to stop the awkward silence, "So, Nari I'm sorry you have to tutor Jungkook."

"Me too." Nari responded rapidly.

"Wait but he said for extra credit?" the boy asked.

"Yes and, even better," she replied sarcastically, "Mr. Hee said to tutor him until senior year."

"If you need us to be at the tutoring sessions we'll be there, alright?" Hyuk put his hand on hers as a sign of support.

She nodded and smiled at both of her friends, "Thank you guys."

Nari, after a long silence, averted her eyes from her friends to the door as she saw it open itself.

Bangtan strolled in with such determination that some girls were swooning over them. Imagine if they knew who they really were when the night began.

The seven boys were about to sit on their traditional table in the center of the lunchroom. Nari kept her eyes on them for an unknown reason, it's as if she was entranced in some unique way.

Abruptly, she saw that Namjoon whispered something to Jungkook as he looked at the table she was seated with her friends.

What the-

They looked ethereal as they walked through the lunchroom. They kept walking until they reached her table, sitting down next to them without saying hello.

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