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"Aish!" Jungkook hissed as the cotton dipped in medicine touched his face.

The party had continued after the incident. The boys just defended her, she couldn't believe it. Jungkook defended her.

Nari rolled her eyes and continued patting his injury, "If you don't stay still, it will hurt even more."

They were inside the bathroom, Jungkook was seated on the toilet. Meanwhile Nari had crouched down beside him to treat his scar.

"I can't stand still because it hurts!" he complained as he looked at the wall, Nari had noticed that the scar was small. What meant more to her was his intentions.

He didn't have to say that she was his girlfriend, there was no need to; but he did.

She sighed, "You didn't have to do that."

The boy chuckled, "He was about to–"

"But he didn't." she said as she put everything back inside the first aid kit.

"Because I stopped him." She felt him stand up.

Her shoulders slumped, she had feared for her life twice now. This time, the people who almost killed her saved her. Her hands gripped the faucet as her knuckles were turning white.

"Thank you." she mumbled, looking down as her hair hid the tear that fell from her eyes.

His hand came up to her shoulder, she felt herself give in to his touch. Who knew that one touch could take her away, free her mind of everything.

"It's okay to cry." he said as he squeezed her shoulder.

She looked at him, somewhere inside she knew she could trust him.

"I was so scared, Jungkook." she said as she let out a sob.

The boy immediately caged her body in a hug. She felt herself lean onto his chest as she let her warm tears flow.

"I don't like seeing you cry." he whispered as he rubbed her back as a sign of support.

"I'm sorry." she mumbled as she tried to pull away, instead he drew her even closer to him.

He let out a sigh, "Don't be. When I see that kid at the prep, I'll give him a lesson." he cupped her face.

When did he ever become this affectionate?

His embrace made her feel safe, loved, appreciated. It was like nothing that she had ever experienced.

"No. No more fighting." she said as she escaped from him, wiping her tears.

He smirked, his hands were crossed on his chest as he leaned against the wall, "Not with fighting," he got closer to her, "I'll show you off as my girlfriend."


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