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Three hours; that's how long the ride from Busan to Incheon is by train. Jungkook placed his headphones on his ear and sighed.

    "Are we there yet?" Jimin asked for the billionth time as he continued playing with his phone.

    "If you say it one more time–" Jungkook responded. He was about to explode.

    "I said," Jimin chuckled, "Jungkookie, are we there yet?" he rested his head on his shoulder playfully.

   Jungkook saw Nari half smile from the seats in front of them. Taehyung had fallen asleep from beside her. Meanwhile Eun was wide awake as she played a game on her phone from beside Jimin.

   Jimin always tried to lift up the mood, even if he was also down. This time he had  succeeded.

   "No, hyung." he said.

"We'll be there in a few minutes, Jiminie." Nari told him.

Oh right, he had forgotten that Jimin and Nari had been best friends during most of their childhood.

Such a small world.

Jin has already fallen asleep beside Nari and they were the only ones awake. We as in Jimin, Nari and Jungkook.

Yes, the rest were sleeping. They had sat beside them and some were even snoring.

"How are you dealing with all of this?" Jimin asked Nari who had her gaze focused at the white wall.

Nari sighed, "I'm still worried and scared for them, I just try to not show it." she let out.

"Everything will be okay, Nari." Jimin respondes as he patted his hand on her knee.

She nodded before turning to Jungkook, "You should sleep for a few minutes, babe."

He just smiled to her, "You should be sleeping a little bit," he told her as he tried to get comfortable, " you seem more tired."

Nari shook her head but Jimin nudged him.

He switched seats with Nari in a heartbeat so that she could get comfortable with her boyfriend.

As soon as Jimin sat on what used to be Nari's spot, Taehyung hugged him.

That was usual of Tae. Whenever he slept, he had to have a pillow or someone to cuddle to.

"Eun, please." He motioned to Eun so she could change seats with her.

The girl nodded as she chuckled and changed with him.

Now Jimin had sat beside Nari who was falling asleep beside Jungkook.

Jungkook placed my hand on her cheek and softly placed her head on his shoulder.

"Sleep," the boy kissed her forehead, "I'll wake you up when we get there."

She interlaced her fingers with his and sighed before closing her eyes.

Her mouth was shaped in a cute pout and Jungkook smiled. How can someone become even more beautiful while sleeping?

He doesn't know but Nari had caused some unknown feelings to bloom. He now knew that it was love, she showed him and is still showing him what love is.

He is still venturing into the marvelous maze of falling in love with the help of Nari, and he doesn't want to let go of her hand. He wants to continue on discovering these feelings with her by his side.

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