42 (pt.2)

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FORTY-TWO (pt.2)

The air was dense. Silence filled the first floor of the open concept apartment complex. The mask hid Jungkook's face. No, he wasn't scared; he was worried for what might come next.

"Guard the entrance, just in case." Namjoon said to Jimin and Hoseok who grasped their guns to their chest.

   Both teens nodded before standing the front entrance. Everyone else stayed still, not knowing what to do.

    Namjoon later looked at the couple and responded, "Try calling him."

    "Okay." Nari responded as she took her phone and pressed her fingers rapidly.

    Namjoon motioned for her to give him the phone, so she did.

    "Are you crazy? He might hurt them." Taehyung scolded.

   This time, Jungkook responded, "Trust me, he won't." he let out.

    Namjoon waited a while until they heard another voice on the line.

    "No, it's Namjoon, glad to hear from you Yun–yeah, where are you?–we're here–she's not here, okay—" he stopped and his expression changed completely.

   Jungkook began panicking internally.

   "What happened?" Nari whispered.

   Suddenly a loud sound from another one of the floors was heard.

    Jungkook raised his head and saw some movement from the floor above them. He heard screams at the same time.

    A man with a black mask covering his face appeared from behind a door.

    Then, the face of a terrified Ara appeared as the man shoved in front of him. She was pressed against the railings with her hands behind her back.

    "Let her go!" Nari shouted as she pointed the gun from a far.

    Everyone else followed her movements and pointed their guns at the man.

    Jungkook gripped the gun to his chest. Footsteps where what he heard later as Jimin left his guard post and pointed the gun at the man with a worried facial expression.

   The man shook his head and lowered Ara's head more, making everyone's anger increase.

Jimin's voice filled the intercom on their ears, "I'll go up to the second floor and shoot him."

    "Once you shoot him, we'll run up to the second floor." Namjoon said.

     Once everyone had agreed, they saw Jimin jog up the stairs diligently.

    The man still gripped Ara's neck and held her very tightly.

     "Distract him." Hyuk mumbled through the intercom.

     "Please let her go, she's just a kid!" Yoongi pleaded.

     The man stood his ground and gripped her neck tighter.

    That is until a loud gun shot was heard and they saw the man fall to the ground.

    Everyone began running up the stairs. Jungkook felt that adrenaline that he hadn't felt in a while. The adrenaline that danger gave to him was like home to him.

    Once they got to where Ara was, they saw her clinging onto Jimin as she sobbed silently.

     "Hey, it's okay, I'm–we're here." he mumbled as he hugged her tightly.

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