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"And then we went out and he bought me an ice cream, we talked about each other and went to the movies!" Nari's sister exclaimed as they walked the next day to the prep.

The whole way to the prep involved Ara rambling about how Jimin had almost a real date with her. She was really excited, her hands were flailing around as she talked.

Nari chuckled, "I heard." she replied.

Ara giggled next to her sister, "He's so beautiful, no wonder every girl wants him." she gushed over his features.

Both girls laughed as they approached the school. They bid their goodbyes before going their separate ways.

As Nari walked inside she was met by a pair of hands hugging her waist. The deep voice that giggled on her ear helped her identify the person.

"Hi Tae Tae." she smiled as he let her go and stood in front of her.

He waved his hand at her.

   "How are you?" he asked her with concern running through his face

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   "How are you?" he asked her with concern running through his face.

   She sighed, "I'm just taking it one day at a time." Nari replied.

   That was what she had agreed. It had been difficult to agree on that but she did.

   "Did you do the math homework?" she asked him. Let's just say that math isn't her favorite subject.

   Taehyung scoffed, "No. I'll just copy off Namjoon or Eun."

    Nari chuckled, "I'll probably just do the same."

   Both teens smiled before they continued their way to their first class. As they kept walking through the halls their friends joined them too.

  Jungkook kissed Nari on the cheek and placed his arm around her shoulder.

   "Hi." he said as he smiled at her. His eyes shined under the sunlight.

   Why is he so cute?

   "Hi." her face turned red under his stares, and the sneaky stares of their friends.

    Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows, "You guys are disgusting." he said.

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