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"Okay, so the adverb modifies what?" Nari asked as she took a sip of the juice Jungkook brought for both of them.

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, "Uh–the adjetive, and the um–verb?"

She nodded, "See, told you it was easy."

After their small, but significant discussion, they had calmed down and continued with what was left of their tutoring.

They had done a few grammar exercises and she had noticed Jungkook didn't understand a single thing. It's as if he wasn't even listening to the teacher at all, which didn't surprise her to be honest.

She was about to ask him another question when his phone started ringing, the sound of the mobile blaring through the boy's room.

He answered the phone that was on his night bed, meanwhile Nari just sat on the bed looking at his facial expressions change drastically.

He looked at her and she looked away, she didn't want to seem as if she was intruding his privacy.

"He wants ammunition now?" he bit his lip in nervousness.

She raised her eyebrows.

"Why don't you go with Namjoon? I'm doing something important." he said as he glanced
at Nari, who was also looking at him.

She stared at him, her eyebrows furrowed.

Nari saw his eyes darken as he nodded, stood up, "I'll be right there."

He hung up and turned to her.

"You're leaving, right now." he pointed at the door.

"There's a lot of stuff left, what do you mean I have to leave?" she asked as she stood up abruptly.

He walked towards her, took her backpack adjusting it on his back and walked outside his room, "I'll go to the bus stop with you, you have to leave."

They walked in silence through the spiral staircase, no words were brought up.

He opened the door for her, she just stood there.

"I'm not leaving until you tell me who called and what he meant by ammunition." she stood her ground.

Jungkook sighed, "It's none of your business, you are leaving."

"I'm not." she retorted.

At the blink of an eye,  Jungkook had bent down and lifted her up to his shoulder, carrying her with his arm on her thighs for support.

"Let me go!" she shouted and he just kept walking outside, the only light emerged from the houses.

"You didn't do what I said, so this is what you get." he told her as they had reached the bus stop.

She huffed as she felt the blood go to her head, "Can you please let me go?"

And so he did, the sudden impact startled her. They stood two inches apart, if one of them moved closer, their lips would connect in an instant. She could see every detail on his face. His little wrinkles were noticeable, let's not forget his lips. Oh his lips, she glanced at them a few times and so did he. She had noticed that he glanced several times but didn't do anything.

Through the Fire | j.jk Where stories live. Discover now