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Her feet stomped through the cold pavement. She never thought she'd be back to the place where she was almost killed. Nari had thought about it twice before coming to visit Suk but, she really wanted to see him.

Her hands gripped the door handle as she stepped in making the door ding.

"Oh look who came! Missed you kid." Suk said from behind the counter.

He appeared and stood in front of her, she bowed in respect. Later on she hugged him.

"I'm so glad that you are okay." she said as she let go of him.

He chuckled, "Wait, its 8am. Aren't you supposed to be at school?"

"I came here to ask you something." she said.

Suk furrowed his eyebrows, "Go ahead."

She couldn't find the right words to say but somehow, she did, "Are you hiring?"

Suk sighed, "No, kid. I'm sorry."

"What? But I've never seen any other employees just one guy-"

Suk put his hand around her shoulder, "It's complicated, but whenever I'm hiring I'll tell you. Alright?"

He was never like this with her, something was off. It was all weird.

She nodded, "Alright, thank you."

Nari would've to find a job elsewhere. It would be difficult to find it but she would do anything to help her mother through her tough time.

She went outside and waited for the bus. She'd arrive late to school but it was okay, she had told Eun and Hyuk to tell the teachers she'd be late.

The bus stopped and she sat down on one of the chairs before playing her music. She put her headphones on as she tried to slip away from reality.


The petite girl ran inside the school. She went to the office and they gave her thirty seconds to get to her class. If not she had to go back home.

Her burgundy blazer flowed as she ran as fast as she could. She couldn't be late, she just couldn't.

She abruptly opened the door before barging inside. She received glares from Mr. Hanz, the English teacher. The students looked at her in a judging manner.

The girl walked until she sat down next to Eun.

"Why are you late?" she mumbled.

"I'll explain later, I promise." Nari said as she began to write her notes.

"Yun Nari!" Mr. Hanz exclaimed as he ripped out a blue paper slip.

He stood in front of her desk, the blue detention slip was visible to her.

Detention again, ugh.

Nari nodded before sighing and paying attention to the rest of the class.

Out of nowhere, music started blasting from the classroom. Nari and her friends turned around. All seven boys, bangtan, were dancing on their seats very crazily and Jungkook held the speaker high on the air.

"Excuse me! This isn't a pub!" Mr. Hanz replied.

The boys just kept jumping up and down. This made the class chuckle in amusement. Nari was astonished.

"Well, you all get detention. Three weeks!" Mr. Hanz exclaimed as he passed the blue slip to all of them.

Surprisingly they stopped and sat down. Well this was weird. They must be up to something.

Through the Fire | j.jk Where stories live. Discover now