55 (pt.1)

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     "I want to watch your empire fall to the ground, watch you all suffer," he looked at Jungkook, "especially him."

   "And if all I have to do is let you all rot in a jail cell, then that's what I will do." he let out as he chuckled.

   But just as he did, the blue and red lights of the police cars lit up the alleyway.

   The seven boys looked at each other before smiling.

   It was time to begin their plan.


FIFTY-FIVE (part one)

Everything happened in slow motion for Jungkook. He could feel his heart beating as the police car rolled into the alley way. Even if he knew what they were really going to do, it was still nerve wracking to him.

"Oh how cute, you brought the police with you." Zik chuckled as he crossed his arms on his chest.

The door of the police car opened, and an officer stepped out of it. His face was serious, no expression could be seen.

"I received an anonymous call from someone, asking us to come here." the officer said as he walked to them.

Namjoon nodded, "Yes, it was me, Officer Kang." he responded.

Officer Kang was his father's best friend. No, he did not know about them being bangtan. They prayed that he wouldn't know.

They were playing with fire, and they were bound to burn at some point.

"Oh, Namjoon. What is it that you need?" Kang asked him.

Zik let out a dry chuckle, "You know each other? How cute."

Jungkook scoffed, "Arrest him." he let out.

"Is this him?" Kang asked the boys as they stood expectingly looking at Zik.

    Yoongi nodded.

    "I don't think so." Zik responded before pulling out his gun and pointing it towards Jungkook's leg.



  He felt his leg give out before he fell to the ground. The throbbing feeling made him let out a cry.

   "Jungkook!" Hoseok shouted as he kneeled beside him.

   Namjoon growled, "You did not just do that–"

   The gunshots started as soon as Namjoon let out those words. Jungkook didn't get to see who got shot, but all he could hear was shouts.

    "Kang!" Namjoon shouted as the body fell on the floor.

    He had shot both officers who had come to the scene. There was no way of getting out now.

    "You–" Yun said as he took Namjoon's gun and pointed it at him.

    Zik laughed, "I don't think that this is a good idea, pops."

   His men all held guns as they waited patiently for their next move.

    Yun gripped the gun, "I won't hesitate, I won't."

"Don't." Jungkook gasped.

The pain was excruciating. It was horrible, and it was just on his leg.

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