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"He just keeps leaving notes and stuff to scare us." Namjoon said to the group who had met in a coffee shop from their town the next day.

Hoseok scoffed, "Right, like what else can he do?" he asked.

What else can he do?

He take me, Jungkook thought.

"He's dangerous, all he wants is to win." Mel responded as she gulped her burger.

"Well, he won't win this time." Jungkook mumbled grasping the fork tightly.

"What can we do then?" Hyuk wondered.

Namjoon cleared his throat, "I talked with Yun yesterday on the phone, we have an idea."

"What is it?" Nari asked him but he shook his head.

"Can't say, sorry." that was Namjoon's response.

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, questioning their decision, "Why won't you tell her?" he asked.

"I won't tell anyone, I really want to but I can't, we thought it was best not to tell." he shrugged but Jungkook could see that he was struggling to keep his mouth shut.

Taehyung whined, "Why hyung? We won't tell."

"Sorry but I really can't tell you, Tae." Namjoon patted his shoulder and continued eating.

What was so secretive that they decided to keep their mouth shut? Why would they do such things?

     "Fine." Taehyung sighed.

     "So, when do we start school again?" Jin questioned with a fry inside his mouth.

    Jimin groaned, "Don't know and don't care."

    "In 2 months so we still got time." Namjoon responded.

    Hoseok gasped, "Oh, now I remembered!"

    "What?" Yoongi asked.

    "Dad wants to know if your guys would like to stay at our vacation home this year." He finished.

    Jin clapped and cheered loudly, "Yes, billion time yes. I miss that jacuzzi."

   "Sure." Jungkook nodded.

    "Nari, you'll love it!" Yoongi exclaimed with his gummy smile showing.

     The girl beside Jungkook smiled and nodded, "I'm in!"

     "It'll be after we finish with Zik." Namjoon said calmly.

     "Of course, but what is the plan?" Hoseok tried prying in but failed.

   "Can't say." Namjoon finished his food and brought Hye outside with him.

   "You tried." Eun said jokingly to Hoseok who glared at her before drawing his attention back to his food.

  Jungkook wanted to find out, too.

  He didn't know how, but he wanted to find out. Jungkook would find out one way or another.

"What could they be hiding?" Nari asked Jungkook.

"I don't know but I'm going to find out." he let her know.

"Me too." she mumbled before continuing to eat her food.


Hello!!!!! How are you babes?

So here is today's chapter, I hope you guys like it! ❤️

Next week there won't be any chapter because I managed to get 5 days of vacation starting from the whole Fourth of July weekend. But on the other week then yes, chap. 52 will be uploaded!

Thank you for your love and support! You guys are amazing ❤️ love you guys so much.

See you guys on the next chapter!


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