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The concrete was fairly dirty. She had been observing the ground as she walked to Jungkook's house for tutoring. After the incident with Hyuk during lunch, he hadn't spoken to her.

He had stayed by her side occasionally kissing her cheeks of forehead. Still, no word was said.

She formed her hand into a fist and knocked on the wooden door. The door swung open and she saw him.

     His face screamed get out but his eyes said something else. His eyes had an emotion that she couldn't name at the moment.

     She desperately wanted to know what emotion his eyes showed

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     She desperately wanted to know what emotion his eyes showed.

    "You can come in, you know?" he said as he stepped away letting her inside.

     In a matter of seconds she was already inside his room. Her hands were moving frantically as she sorted out the book on the bed. Jungkook was on his desk watching her intensely.

      Nari had noticed but she didn't dare to look at him. She could loose her focus just by one look.

      As she sat down on the bed and turned the page on the English book, she heard the office chair creak.

     Her eyes were set on the book so she didn't see that Jungkook had gotten on the bed. That is until he closed the book softly.

    "Let's not do tutoring." he said as he placed her book aside.

Oh no, is he-

His warm hand enclosed with hers. Her cheeks reddened. She was feeling the butterflies inside rapidly.

"Let's just lay down." he mumbled.

Lay down? He's not going to kiss me or any–

Wait, kiss?

You can't fall into another guy again, no way.

She layed down next to him. Amidst laying down, they both kept their distance.

        Nothing could settle down the emotions she felt at this moment. She should be running, shouting at him for not wanting a tutoring session today. Instead, she still held his hand as they lied side by side.

      "Are you okay?" she asked him as she saw that he closed his eyes. He gulped and then opened them.

     "Sort of." he mumbled.

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